Veterinary Anesthesia By Prof. Dr. Muneer S. Al-Badrany Lectures in Veterinary Anesthesia Muneer S. Al-Badrany Veterinary Anesthesia By Prof. Dr. Muneer S. Al-Badrany
Lectures in Veterinary Anesthesia Muneer S. Al-Badrany Anesthesia: A state of unconsciousness produced by a process of controlled reversible drug-induced intoxication of the central nervous system
Lectures in Veterinary Anesthesia Muneer S. Al-Badrany Types of anesthesia Regional analgesia General anesthesia Local analgesia Perineural injection Spinal block Inhalation Parental Surface application Intra and subdermal infiltration Field analgesia Subararchnoid epidural Interior Posterior
Lectures in Veterinary Anesthesia Muneer S. Al-Badrany Analgesia : it is state which has temporarily abolishes awareness of pain Narcosis: It sleep like action due to moderate depression of CNS, thus all anesthetic agent are narcotic but not many narcotic are anesthetic agents Hypnosis : Mild depressions of CNS, a state which produce sleep, and unconsciousness Sedative : is a narcotic agent which is used to calm a nervous, vicious or excited animals. `
Pain? An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.” ”Pain is always subjective
Lectures in Veterinary Anesthesia Muneer S. Al-Badrany Balance Anesthesia: A state of analgesia, muscle relaxant and Narcosis usually produce by combination more than one drugs Narcosis Muscle Relaxant Analgesia
Lectures in Veterinary Anesthesia Muneer S. Al-Badrany General considerations in the selections of Anesthetic 1- Animals 2- Nature of operation
Inspection before anaesthesia Check animals before starting Do not anaesthetise sick animals, they are unsuitable Animal should be fasting
How to fast before anaesthesia ? Take away food - not water the smaller species, the faster metabolism, the shorter fasting
Lectures in Veterinary Anesthesia Muneer S. Al-Badrany Examination patient before general anesthesia History Heart disease Physical Examinations Respiratory disease Anemia Hypoprotenemia Renal disease
Lectures in Veterinary Anesthesia Muneer S. Al-Badrany Preparation of the patient Food and water Fluid & electrolytes Hameoglobin level
Lectures in Veterinary Anesthesia Muneer S. Al-Badrany Introduction to general anesthesia: G. A is a state of unconsciousness produced by a process of controlled reversible intoxication of central nervous system An anesthetic agent may be defined as a substance which produce loss of consciousness in controllable matter. General anesthesia may be Volatile or gaseous substances Water-soluble non-volatile compound Introduce upper respiratory Blood Brain i.v., i.m, orally, per rectum, intraperitoneal, Elimination of inhalation anesthetics
Lectures in Veterinary Anesthesia Muneer S. Al-Badrany PATIENT MONITORING AND CLINICAL MEASUREMENT MONITORING Monitoring Central Nervous System Monitoring respiratory rate and Cardiovascular function Gas analyzer Monitoring the Circulation Heart Rate Monitors Stethoscope Arterial Blood Pressure ECG Cardiac Out Put Measurement Central Venous Pressure Monitoring Respiratory System Monitoring Body Temperature
Lectures in Veterinary Anesthesia Muneer S. Al-Badrany
Lectures in Veterinary Anesthesia Muneer S. Al-Badrany
Pulse oxymeter
Maintaining normal temp