The analysis of the english inscriptions on t-shirts Sibirev Denis
Nowadays young people are fond of standing out Nowadays young people are fond of standing out. It concerns teenagers too. One of the distinctive features is an inscription on clothes, especially on T- shirts. It`s modern to wear T-shirts with different inscriptions. And teenagers try to buy clothes with big, bright foreign words.
The actuality of the chosen topic is that T-shirts have become an integral part of the wardrobe of a modern person.
The problem is that most of pupils don`t know the meaning of labels on their clothing, don`t pay attention to the grammar or spelling mistakes.
The object is an English inscription on students` T-shirts
The subject is the information, which these T-shirts have.
The aim of this work is to establish the dependence of the meaning of labels on T-shirts on the knowledge of the English language.
I solved the following tasks to achieve this aim : 1. To study the literature on the question. 2. To conduct a social survey among the students of my school to find out the most popular inscriptions. 3.To translate the inscriptions from English into Russian 4.To identify the age of the students, the main reasons why people buy these things. 5 To summarize the data and come to a certain conclusion.
Experimental search and descriptive analytical During my research the following methods were used: Experimental search and descriptive analytical
A T-shirt is an article of clothing that does not have any buttons, collars and pockets. It appeared in the North America for the first time, during the First World War,
Inscriptions on clothes existed many centuries ago, for example, in Ancient Greece on different belts and on the jewellery
The labels are different and change when a person grows up The labels are different and change when a person grows up. The child`s inscription is just a funny word, the teenager`s one is a quotation, film stars` phrases. Adults realize what is written on their clothes
a tribute to fashion or something else? Most of people enjoy buying clothes with English labels. What do they mean ? We should remember inscriptions should be treated carefully ,especially in English, because a nice idea may sound silly, may become an incident in clothing. That`s why we can say – we are responsible for what is written on our clothes. .
In the practical part of the survey I asked some questions , classified the labels, analyzed the students` responses
The students answered
I divided the inscriptions into the following groups: «groups» «Romantic», «Designers and Brands» «Challenge» «Credo» «Sport» «Cities» «Famous people» «Different»
At the end of my research I`d like to say that all of the teenagers like to wear T- shirts with english inscriptions, know the translation. During the survey the interest of the students to the labels on their clothes has increased.
Thank you for attention