Ashes of Roses Mary Jane Auch
terms to identify chapters 1-6 Ellis island
Ellis Island Waiting to be let into New York
What is ellis island? Historical gateway for millions of immigrants to the United States. This site was the nation's busiest immigrant inspection station from 1892 to 1954.
Before being let into the country immigrants were medically inspected Before being let into the country immigrants were medically inspected. Inspectors employed unusual techniques such as the use of the buttonhook to examine aliens for signs of eye diseases (particularly, trachoma) The inspectors used a chalk mark code. Symbols were chalked on the clothing of potentially sick immigrants following the six-second medical examination
Examples B – Back C- Conjunctivitis CT – Trachoma E – Eyes F – Face
Trachoma Infectious disease of the eye that is still the leading cause of blindness today
Buttonhook examination of the eyes
The Kissing Post 3/4106685424/
Gibson Girl The Gibson Girl was a pen-and-ink drawing created by Charles Dana Gibson in the late 1890's. She was every woman's ideal and every man's dream. Charles Gibson was quoted as describing her as "the American girl to all the world."
The Gibson Girl influenced society in the early 1900's much like Barbie influenced society of the late 1900's. The Gibson Girl crossed many societal lines opening the way for women to participate in things they had never done before.
She like Barbie, portrayed women as strong individuals who could play sports while maintaining perfectly coiffed hair and dress. She was criticized by many, much like Barbie, for creating an unrealistic ideal of what women should look like: perfect proportions and long flowing hair. Despite the criticism she was a trend setter, a model for women in both dress and action, just like Barbie.
Gibson Girl shirtwaist