Foundation Subjects: In Science we will continue to learn about the body. We will be looking at parts of the body and how to keep ourselves healthy. We will also be developing our athletic skills for Sports Day! In Geography we will be looking at the four countries of the United Kingdom. For History, we will continue to think about life in a castle. We will be finding out similarities and differences between life in a house and a castle. We will also be drawing maps of castles using topic words Art and DT We will be designing, making and finishing a variety of castle based pictures and crafts Our P.E .this term links to our ‘Healthy bodies’ topic. We will be learning about the benefits of exercise and developing our athletic skills. English: We will be continuing to develop speaking and listening skills, through discussions, role play and sharing ideas. We will also continue to participate in daily phonics sessions, enabling us to develop secure soundtalking and blending skills, and in preparation for the YR1 phonics check in June. The main reading focus this term will be on comprehension. Children will be writing fairy stories and traditional tales. They will also be using their writing skills to record their ideas in Science. RE: This term, we will be celebrating and focusing our learning on Father’s Day and Ramadan. To link into our assemblies, the children will be focusing on what they are proud of. Enrichment opportunities/Dates: 26th June: Stay and Play session for new starters 3rd July: Stay and Play session for new starters 7th July: Family Fun Evening 11th July: Whole School Production 14th July: Sports Day Summer Term 2017 . We will be returning to using reading records. We understand that this was a helpful way of communicating and we are still encouraging any comments, questions, or queries to be noted inside the reading records. We will continue to check these on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but if you do have anything of a urgent or sensitive nature that you would like to discuss, please pop into the classroom before 8.55am. Maths: Daily maths will build on the children’s learning and independent problem solving skills. This term we will be focusing on the Four Operations (multiplication, division, subtraction and addition) and consolidating understanding of numbers and the number system. We will continue to practise and apply our 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables and number bonds daily, whilst recapping units of work taught last term.