Snarestone Primary School Curriculum Leaflet Swallows Autumn Knights and Princesses English This term we will be focusing on Fairy Tales and story writing. Our non-fiction will be writing an information report about ‘The Battle of Hastings’ and we’ll be writing humorous poetry. History This term the children will be researching castles and William the Conqueror. Music We will be exploring medieval instruments and composing music Art/ Design and Technology The children will have fun creating self-portraits and in DT designing and building a medieval castle and our own shields to fight in battle. Maths We will be starting with place value, moving onto mental methods and ending with problem solving and geometry. Science Healthy me looks at keeping our bodies healthy by what foods we eat and exercise. RE How should we care for others and the world, and why does it matter? Computing We will be developing our research, improving our note taking and presenting information in a multimedia presentation. P.E Gymnastics