Feature articles They focus on one issue or topic. They comment in depth on one current issue or other subjects that might an issue of social importance. They could also be about general issues such as sport, fashion, celebrities, history or health. Feature articles aim to inform, entertain and persuade. They are highly subjective.
What genre is a feature article? Feature articles serve different purposes. Some are merely extended news stories, so they share most of the elements of the report genre. Other feature articles provide news analysis and interpretation. They lean more towards the exposition genre. Another variety of feature articles in the biography of someone who is news worthy. These feature articles tell the biography of a person’s life and may have features of the narrative genre.
Social purpose of feature articles Reporting on events Explaining events Exposition (an argument supported by evidence) Multi-exposition (giving an overview of different viewpoints on a certain issue)
Stylistic features Striking headlines Background information found in the opening paragraph ‘tear out’ section (where a small section the text from is printed in large print) Graphics with story to appeal to audience Emotive language Selective use of facts Clear line of argument or opinion Variation of sentence length for interest Bias and subjective language
Humour or irony Verb tenses can be past tense, present tense or present perfect tense Active voice is preferred over passive voice Creative and colourful Anecdotes Figurative language Narrative rather than report structure Writer creates a relationship with the reader through individual writing style Expansive not economical in length Use of first person may be used
The structure still has to be similar to the news story because news editors still cut paragraphs from the bottom if the article is too long. The only difference is that they cut above the concluding paragraph. There is often a main headline and a subheading or ‘kicker’. A ‘kicker’ adds further explanation to a headline, or poses important questions. Aiming High Listening to the young and helping them through troubled times are better options than tough crackdowns and new laws. That’s the view of those who work with young people. Christine Jackman reports.
Further conventions... Eyewitness accounts Interviews Exposition (argument with support)
Structure Introduction Their aim is to attract attention and provide a focus or foretaste of the story to follow. They use suspended interest. They could include: A teaser Description of an individual Personal narrative Before and after – rags to riches
The body It is arranged in declining order of importance. May contain anecdotes Descriptive language that allows the reader to make their own judgements Interviews – direct or indirect quotations. The journalist will choose quotes that support their argument
The conclusion A final opinion A logical outcome of an extended argument A question that re-orients the reader to investigate further A call to action A link to the introduction and ‘angle’ of the article