Department of Biological and Medical Physics Kharkov National Medical University Medical information science Department of Biological and Medical Physics and Medical Informatics
Medical Information Systems
Lecture’s plan Specialized medical information systems Medical Information System (MIS)of the basis level MIS of preventive treatment establishments levels MIS of territorial level
MIS Classificatin
Information System (IS) Information system (IS) the ordered aggregate of documents and information technologies, including the usage of computer techniques and communication means. Information systems are meant for working with information flows/ Medical Information Systems (MIS) are meant for working with information flows in any medicine and health care fields . Classification - there are different approaches to the medical information systems classification. We are going to discuss the hierarchy principle .
MIS of the basis level The aim of MIS of the basis level is the computer support of the work of a clinician, hygienist, laboratory assistants. There the following options are referred : Medical informational and reference systems ; Medical consultative-diagnostic systems ; Medical hardware and software complexes MHSC ; Automatized doctor’s working place (AWP)
Medical informational and reference systems are designed to follow a user’s request for information – they search for it, and display the available items. Such systems contain reference material of all kinds. They do not analyze the data, they goal is to allow quick access to the required information
Medical consultative-diagnostic systems (CDS) are intended to diagnose pathological conditions (including prognostication and treatments’ recommendations) According to the way of logical conclusion mechanism (LCM) realization expert CDS and probability CDS are distinguished.
In CDS it is common to distinguish three mains modules: – database (DB) and knowledge base (KB); – logical conclusion mechanism (LCM)=inference engine ; – interface with user.
Medical hardware and software complexes (MHSC) meant for information support and/or diagnostic and treatment process automatization, taking place during the direct contact with the patient’s organism Patient facilities to read computer facility facilities for treating Effects Realization
According to MHSC value they can be divided by number of classes: Systems to carry out functional and morphological researches
Monitor systems - allow following patient’s condition in intensive care and operating rooms
Treatment process control systems (automatized systems of intensive care, biological feedback, artificial limbs and organs, created on the basis of microprocessor facilities)
Laboratory diagnostics systems Systems for medical-biological researches
Automatized doctor’s working place (AWP) This computer information system meant for the automatization of the doctor’s whole medical technical process corresponding to his\her speciality and providing the information support for diagnostic and tactical (treatment and organization, etc) medical decision-making. All the information systems of the clinical level, shown above, can and must enter the AWP structure
MIS of preventive treatment establishments (PTE) Information systems of this level are represented by the following groups : IS of consultative centers ; Information banks of medical establishments and services ; Personified registries (databases and data banks) ; Screening systems ; Information systems of medical and preventive treatment establishments; IS for RI and higher educational establishments .
IS of consultative centers - they are meant to provide the corresponding subdivisions and information support of doctors during consultations, diagnostics and decision-making in emergency cases. Information banks of medical establishments and services - they contain the combined data about qualitative and quantitative condition of establishment staff, contractual population, general statistic information, characteristics of serviced districts and other necessary data Screening systems - they are meant to carry out the preventive before-doctor examination of population and also for the medical screening (risk group formation and case detection of patients who need the specialists’ help). The screening is realized on the basis of developed questionnaire cards or direct dialogue of a patient with a computer
Information systems of medical and preventive treatment establishments – these information systems, based on the integration of all information flows to the uniform system and providing the automatization of different kinds of establishment activities. In accordance with the kinds of PTE usually program complexes of information systems: “In-patient Department”, “Policlinic”, “Ambulance” are distinguished
IS for RI and higher educational establishments - are solved three main tasks : technological education process computerization, research work and management activity of RI and higher educational establishments . Personified registries (databases and data banks) - is one of the types of information-reference systems, containing information for contractual and observed population on the basis of formalized diseases history and out-patient card. FA typical representative of this class of MIS is electronic medical card
5 different stages of case history computerization can be distinguished Automatized Medical Records - this stage is characterized by the fact that about 50% of information about a patient is inserted to the computer system. Usually these systems cover the patient’s registration, appointments, operation realization, financial questions etc go along with the “paperwork” and serve for different kinds of reports Computerized Medical Record System ‑ information from diagnostic facilities, obtained as different print-outs, scans, topograms, etc), are indexed, scanned and fixed in the systems of electronic imaging storage Electronic Medical Records ‑ In this case in the medical establishments the corresponding infrastructure for information input, processing and storage at own working places should be developed. Users should be identified by the system, they are given the access right, corresponding to their status. . Electronic Patient Record ‑ patient’s records have much more information sources. There is all the corresponding information about the concrete patient, sources of which can be one or several medical establishments. For this stage of development the national or international patients identification system, the united terminology system, information, coding structure, etc are necessary Electronic Health Record ‑ differs from the electronic records system by the presence of practically unlimited information sources about patient’s health. The information from the untraditional medicine, behaviour activity (smoking, sport activities, usage of diets, etc.) appears
MIS of territorial level - provides the management of specialized and profile medical services, polyclinics, in-patient and emergency help to the population at the level of territories (city(town), region, etc) Represented by the following groups : Administrative-management MIS for heads of territorial medical services; Statistical MIS to work with the information in the nearest territory; MIS of specialized services and trends: emergency and state of emergency, remedy provision, registries (phthisiatria, psychiatry, infection diseases, etc.) ; Computer telecommunication nets creating the unified information space of health care territory..
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