Why Do You Work (What is the purpose of my Life) Part 2


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Presentation transcript:

Why Do You Work (What is the purpose of my Life) Part 2 2016

Life Questions 3. Do you work just to live? 2. Is this what you wanted to do with your life? 1. Why do you work?

Why Do You Work? Part 1 of the answer is “Because that is what God ordained, the consequences of our sin.” In the burden of a cursed ground, dealing with pain all the days of our lives, the struggles of thorns and thistles, and by the sweat of our efforts.   Part 2 of the answer is that work has always been part of God’s plan. Meaningful work in relation with God is what we were designed for.

Is This What You Wanted to do with Your Life? Part 1 of Answer: Jesus’ Work was to provide a way to reconcile us with God. Not within our power to ever work hard or smart enough to be acceptable to God.   Part 2 of Answer: Our Work is to Believe in Jesus Christ through Faith. Our primary job is to believe in Jesus – that is what God wants from us. But, that brings follow-on requirements, which we will talk about today.

Do You Work Just To Live? Concentrating on What is important in Life ???

Do You Work Just To Live? Concentrating on What is important in Life Romans 14:23b For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.

How Do You Order Your Life? “What is important in life is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important” Dwight D. Eisenhower

How Do You Order Your Life? Urgent versus Important Urgent: A task that requires immediate attention. The to-do lists that tend to be our daily focus, the tasks that shout “NOW” These tasks are almost always reactive Defined by the terms defensive, negative, hurried and narrowly focuses Important: tasks that contribute to long-term missions, values, and goals. Sometimes important tasks become urgent, but not usually. These tasks are generally done in a proactive or planned approach Defined by the terms calm, rational, and open to new opportunities

Eisenhower Decision Matrix URGENT NOT URGENT Quadrant 1 Important, & Urgent Crisis Deadlines Problems Quadrant 2 Not Urgent Relationships Planning Recreation Quadrant 3 Not Important, But Urgent Interruptions Meetings Activities Quadrant 4 Time Wasters Pleasant Activities Trivia IMPORTANT NOT IMPORTANT

How Do You Order Your Life How Do You Order Your Life? Important versus Not Important – Eternal Perspective Not Important: Related to the temporal world – things that will not last into eternity Works done to Prove my righteousness to God Make myself feel better Those things that are done in my own strength and not in faith   Important: Those things which have eternal value, will outlive this world. Being a witnessing for Christ Making new disciples Teaching new disciples Bearing Fruit, in the power of Jesus Christ

Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2 Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4 URGENT NOT URGENT Important & Urgent Crisis, Deadlines, Problems Quadrant 2 Important, Not Urgent Relationships, Planning, Recreation Quadrant 3 Not Important, But Urgent Interruptions, Meetings, Activities Quadrant 4 Not Important, Not Urgent Time Wasters, Pleasant Activities, Trivia IMPORTANT NOT IMPORTANT