Fullness of God’s Revelation


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Presentation transcript:

Fullness of God’s Revelation Jesus fulfills the Old Testament Promises

The Gospels Spreading the “Good News”

Center of Scripture Record Jesus’ life, teachings, and redeeming work. 4 accounts that proclaim the “Good news” Have no error in their truth and are harmonious, but are not identical They invite us to accept Jesus in faith and apply his teachings to our lives They are NOT historical biographies, although they contain historical events They were not written to recruit followers but to be read, shared and talked about wherever followers gathered

Three Stages in Gospel Formation Life and teaching of Jesus, Himself Oral tradition, eyewitnesses to the Christ event Explain briefly each stage Written gospels, early texts

Life and teaching of Jesus Jesus of history Oral tradition Life & Teaching Oral Tradition Written Gospels Gospels Life and teaching of Jesus Jesus of history Oral tradition Verbal accounts from the apostles as to what they saw Jesus do and what they heard him say The events that led up to and followed his death Used Old Testament scripture to show how Jesus fulfilled the messianic prophesies When they gathered to “break bread” they retold the stories of Jesus’ life Written gospels Written in Koine Greek, the common language of the time Present fundamental truths about Jesus, his mission, and his saving action Presented in four different perspectives of Jesus Addressed specifically to particular audiences

Why 4 Gospels? Each community had different and diverse experiences, concerns and challenges. Authors had different sources, their own biases Core messages are the same Evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Guided by the Holy Spirit, each focuses on a different aspect of Jesus’ life and teachings Matthew, Mark and Luke are “synoptic” Similar in style and content Present different images of Jesus, meaningful to the audience John’s gospel presents a more theological account and uses more mystical and symbolic images than the others

Sources of the Synoptic Gospels Q Mark l m Luke Matthew Both Matthew and Luke used Mark’s Gospel as a guide. They also used a source named “Q”. This is why they have a “similar view”

Four Images of Jesus Matthew Mark Luke John Teacher and prophet Suffering servant of God Luke Compassionate Healer John Incarnate Word of God

Gospel of Matthew Written by “Matthew”, a Jewish Christian(perhaps the apostle) Written about 75-90 AD Written for Jewish Christians & some Gentiles probably residing in Palestine. His theme is that Jesus is the Promised Messiah, the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises and therefore includes many references to the Old Testament

Jesus as the New Moses Matthew presents Jesus as the New Moses His sermons reveal Jesus as a great Teacher Matthew strives to show that Jesus Christ fulfills all of God’s promises to the Chosen People and through them to all people. He connects the Old Testament with the New.

Gospel of Mark Written by John Mark, a friend of Peter Written about 65-75 AD Written for Jewish and Gentile Christians probably residing in Rome, during the persecution of Nero. His image of Jesus is the Suffering Messiah The theme of this gospel is “Salvation comes through the cross” Messianic secret or mystery “Do not tell”

Jesus is the Son of God who assumed human nature. Jesus’ humanity is stressed throughout Mark’s Gospel. Jesus is the Son of God who assumed human nature. “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ (the Son of God)” Messianic secret or mystery Jesus was reluctant to reveal his identity because his concept of the “anointed one” was radically different from that of his people and disciples. Theme “Salvation comes through the cross” Even suffering Christians can celebrate the Good News because Jesus brings eternal life. Titles for Jesus in Mark’s Gospel: Christ / Messiah “anointed one” Son of Man (Ezekiel) Suffering Servant (Isaiah)

Gospel of Luke Written by Luke, a Greek convert, friend of Paul, maybe a physician Written about 75-90AD Admits to using “other writings” Written for Greek Christians, probably in Greece His image of Jesus is the Compassionate Savior Believing in Jesus goes beyond all barriers Inclusion of the “outcasts” Poor, women, sinners, sick, etc.

Jesus Offers a Message of Joy Jesus’ Message in Luke Jesus Is for Everyone Jesus Offers a Message of Joy Heart of Luke includes parables that highlight God’s forgiveness “I tell you, there will be rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents” Jesus’ compassion is a divine sign of healing love Jesus sought out people who were considered “outcasts” Jesus is everyone’s compassionate Savior We should allow Jesus to live in us so we can love everyone in imitation of our Lord

John’s Gospel Written by the John, perhaps the youngest Apostle Written about 90-100 AD Written for all Christians, was written in Ephesus The image of Jesus is God Incarnate, the Life Giving Savior His prologue begins this Gospel with a theology lesson on the Incarnation. Strengthens the faith of the followers

Content Prologue: Jesus is the Word Book of Signs Book of Glory Dialogues and personal testimony of Jesus are “mystical” (shows Jesus contact with God the Father)- Kingdom is present in Jesus 7 miracles/ signs that show Jesus’ divinity “Bread of Life” discourse “I am” statements Book of Glory Washing of the Feet Last Supper discourse Passion narrative

Infancy Narratives Infancy Narratives accounts that contain the events surrounding Jesus’ conception and birth; found only in Matthew and Luke Annunciation: Jesus’ coming is announced by an angel Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, Mary is a Virgin Joseph agrees to take care of Mary and Jesus Mary and Joseph are faithful Jewish people Incarnation: God becomes flesh Jesus is born in Bethlehem Jesus is acknowledged by visitors Jesus lives his early life in Nazareth At 12, Jesus is left behind in Jerusalem by his parents and is found teaching in the Temple- He returns with Mary and Joseph and is obedient to them(Luke) Genealogies connect Jesus to Old Testament figures Matthew to Abraham Luke to Adam

Jesus’ Public Years Baptism of Jesus Shows Jesus’ connection with God’s people The Trinity is made manifest at Jesus’ baptism Begins Jesus’ public life John the Baptist baptized people at the Jordan River as he encouraged them to repent and convert. He repeated that He was preparing the way for the Messiah. As Jesus preaching increased, John’s following decreased.

Jesus’ Public Years Temptation of Jesus in the desert Evil waits for an opportune moment to tempt us Evil uses our weaknesses against us Material power Miraculous power Political power If we trust in God we can safely complete our journey

Jesus’ Public Years Proclamation of the Kingdom “Kingdom of God is at hand” Proclaimed by Jesus in his parables and by his miracles God’s reign or rule in our lives in this world and in eternity. It is identified by peace, love and harmony. It can exist in this world but the full coming of the kingdom is in the future

Jesus’ Public Years Call of the Apostles Call of Simon, Andrew, James and John Call of the rest of the Twelve He sends them out to preach Jesus calls us to help him proclaim the message of the kingdom of God

Jesus’ Public Years Transfiguration We are given a glimpse of Jesus’ divinity He is glorified by the Father and the Spirit Jesus is accompanied by Peter, James and John Jesus is joined by Elijah and Moses (prophets and the Law) Sets the stage for Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection

Redemption The Passion Narratives The accounts of the events that led up to the death of Jesus. Included in all four gospels Each evangelist addressed the particular need and background of his audience, however the all profess the following beliefs: Jesus was crucified and raised from the dead Jesus appeared to some women and other disciples Jesus’ disciples were to share the good news with others

Paschal Mystery Jesus’ life & teachings Passion and death Last Supper Institution of the Eucharist Passion and death Sacrifice for our sin, Redemption Resurrection Victory over death Ascension Kingdom of God is present

Jesus is the fulfillment of the Promises Creation was the initial gift of God The covenants with Noah, Abraham and his descendants were gifts and promises of God’s steadfast love **The Exodus told of God freeing his people from slavery and leading them to a good and prosperous land The prophets, despite their angry words when the people turned away from God, also always included words of hope. **Jesus’ suffering and death saves all humankind from their sins. This is the definitive act of God’s love in which Jesus wins new life for us in the Holy Spirit and heals us from the damage brought by sin. We are to inherit the New Promised Land.

Why? God became flesh in the person of Jesus to: Redeem us from or sins Give example of how we should live Make it possible for us to share in His divine nature Explain God’s mercy and forgiveness Proclaim the Kingdom of God