Exzellenz verbindet – be part of a worldwide network Prof. Dr. Joni Apakidze Rector Sokhumi State University Former Ambassador Scientist of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) September 19, 2016 Georgian-German Day of Science, Tbilisi I am Professor Joni Apakidze, Rector of Sokhumi State University in Tbilisi. For five years I was Ambassador Scientist of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and since 2005 work as the Secretary General of the Humboldt Club (in Georgia). I am proud with my years’ long cooperation with this foundation and today I am making presentation about it with great pleasure. It is really a great honor for me, as I think that the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation carries out a great mission – it provides the best scientists and Humboldt-alumni around the world with opportunity to work in German universities and other scientific institutions. Besides, the network, created by the Humboldt Foundation is very important and useful for scientific cooperation throughout the world. 1
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Connecting academic excellence worldwide Knowledge transfer and cooperation at the highest level The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation sponsors academic cooperation between top-flight foreign and German academics. 2
Historical and intellectual roots Alexander von Humboldt (1769 - 1859): discoverer, universal scholar, cosmopolitan and patron of excellent scientific talent 1953: establishment of today’s Alexander von Humboldt Foundation based in Bonn Bad-Godesberg international network of academic cooperation and trust inspired by Humboldt’s example Alexander von Humboldt was a discoverer and cosmopolitan, a universal scholar and fighter for the freedom of research, a humanist and patron of excellent research talents. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation as it is known today was established in 1953 by the Federal Republic of Germany. In the spirit of Humboldt it fosters an international network of scientific cooperation and trust. 3 3
The Humboldt Foundation's areas of work sponsorship of international academics as a part of foreign cultural and educational policy strengthening cutting-edge research through internationalisation impetus for the research location Germany by promoting individuals advancing development through academic cooperation The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is active in various fields: - it supports international academics as part of foreign cultural and educational policy - it strengthens cutting-edge research through internationalisation - it enables individuals, who provide an impetus for the research location Germany, to spend time researching there - it promotes development by sponsoring cooperation with researchers from emerging and developing countries 4 4
Principles of the Foundation sole selection criterion: academic excellence no quotas for countries or disciplines sponsorship of people, not projects free choice of academic host/collaborative partner in Germany independent scientific research, not stipulated by the Foundation The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation promotes outstanding researchers from Germany and abroad with its programmes. Sponsorship decisions are based on the applicant’s achievements and qualifications to date. There are no quotas, neither for countries nor disciplines. The Foundation believes that even in the times of increasing team work the ability of the individual is the crucial factor for academic success. This is why it sponsors people not projects. Those chosen on this basis should be given as much freedom as possible to carry out their research projects. This includes allowing Humboldtians to choose their host institutions themselves and to conduct independent research without any stipulations from the Foundation. 5 5
Equal opportunities for female academics equal opportunities is an important issue for the Foundation sponsoring of women correlates with age, career stage and geographical origin measures supplementing standard sponsorship opportunities: fellowship extension or interruption, allowances, targeted counselling Equal opportunities for female academics is an important issue for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. As the Foundation's sponsorship programmes target both men and women, it consequently seeks to make its sponsorship programmes equally attractive to both male and female academics. Nevertheless, it is evident that the proportion of female academics sponsored is significantly lower by comparison with their male colleagues and drops with a higher career stage and with increasing age. The geographical origin is also relevant. For this reason the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation supplements its sponsorship options with the following equal opportunities measures: Research fellows have the opportunity to extend the sponsorship period by up to 3 months if they give birth during the approved sponsorship period (in analogy to the periods laid down in the Maternity Protection Act); the opportunity to extend the sponsorship period is available even if the fellowship finishes within the statutory maternity leave period. The research fellow can apply to interrupt the fellowship period for up to 18 months if the birth of a child occurs within the sponsorship period or if the research fellow (male or female) is responsible for the care of a child under 12 years of age. Married research fellows receive a marital allowance if the accompanying spouse does not have any income of his/her own. If the fellows‘ underage children (under 18) accompany them to Germany for at least 3 months (without interruption) an application can be made during the sponsorship period to receive child allowance or child benefit according to German law. A childcare allowance can be paid for children of fellows from Germany who accompany them abroad and who are not older than 12. 6 6
The Humboldt Foundation's funding Budget for 2015: approx. €114.2 million Financed by federal funds and the European Union: approx. 96% The previous year’s budget for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation was approx. €114.2 million of which approx. 96% was financed by federal funds and the European Union. 52.8% of the total budget was financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 34.2% by the Federal Foreign Office, 5.8% by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1.2% by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building, and Nuclear Safety and 2.0% by the European Union. The remaining 4.0% were provided by third parties and income from the Foundation‘s assets. AA: Federal Foreign Office BMBF: Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMZ: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMUB: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety
Sponsorship Opportunities offered by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation sponsors top-flight academics from abroad by granting research fellowships and research awards for research stays in Germany. It also offers exceptionally qualified academics from Germany the opportunity to carry out a research project anywhere in the world with one of well over 26,000 Humboldtians, the Foundation‘s Alumni. 8
Sponsorship – individual and personal sponsorship for foreign and German top-flight academics to collaborate with specialist colleagues more than 700 prestigious research fellowships and awards annually flexible sponsorship options for different career stages individual and personal mentoring for those sponsored and their families The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation sponsors academic cooperation amongst excellent foreign and German academics. Annually, it grants more than 700 research fellowships and research awards that enjoy an outstanding reputation across the globe. The Foundation‘s research fellowships and awards provide funding to suit every career situation – from young postdoctoral researchers at the beginning of their research careers to experienced researchers or world leaders in their research area. 9 9
Key sponsorship programmes at a glance Academics from abroad Academics from Germany Postdoctoral researchers (up to 4 years after completion of doctorate) Humboldt Research Fellowship Georg Forster Research Fellowship Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship Junior research group leaders (up to 6 years after completion of doctorate) Sofja Kovalevskaja Award Experienced researchers (up to 12 years after completion of doctorate) (up to 18 years after completion of doctorate) Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award Internationally renowned academics Humboldt Research Award Georg Forster Research Award Anneliese Maier Research Award Max Planck Research Award Alexander von Humboldt Professorship The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation sponsors: academics at different career stages, usually after completion of a doctorate academics from abroad who wish to conduct research in Germany academics from Germany who wish to conduct research abroad 10 10
Application requirements Postdoctoral researchers Experienced researchers above average doctorate academic publications agreement by academic host independent research proposal knowledge of German and/or English independent academic activity, e.g. as an assistant professor comprehensive list of academic publications with own, clearly defined academic profile The requirements for an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research fellowship are an above average doctorate or comparable academic qualification, independent research experience, documented by recognised academic publications, preferably in international journals, adequate language skills, a research outline agreed upon with the academic host as well as a confirmation of the host institute that research facilities are available. As a rule, candidates’ chances are increased if they belong to the top group amongst their international peers. The number of publications considered appropriate varies according to discipline and career stage. What determines whether an application is successful is academic quality, not German language skills. In science, in particular, working groups function and publish in English. In this case, it is not necessary to have a proven knowledge of German at the time of application. Candidates from the humanities and social sciences, on the other hand, should have a basic knowledge of German, which may be necessary to conduct the project successfully, at the time of application. Experienced researchers should have their own, clearly defined academic profile. This means they should usually be working at least at the level of Assistant Professor or Junior Research Group Leader or be able to document independent research work over a number of years and a comprehensive list of academic publications with a recognisable, independent profile. 11 11
Alumni sponsorship and international networking more than 27,000 Humboldtians in over 140 countries: “Once a Humboldtian – always a Humboldtian“ alumni sponsorship and international networking through e.g. further research stays Research Group Linkage Programme Humboldt Colloquia and Kollegs Humboldt Alumni Associations Humboldt Alumni Award “Once a Humboldtian – always a Humboldtian" – from the very beginning this was the hallmark of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Humboldt sponsorship is enduring: the Foundation is a lifetime partner, maintaining the connections on a long-term basis through its alumni sponsorship programmes. As a result, an active knowledge network of more than 27,000 Humboldtians has been laid across the whole academic world – embracing over 140 states. The alumni sponsorship measures provide flexible support for the individual life paths and development of Humboldtians. Moreover, the Foundation encourages its alumni to undertake their own initiatives and collaborations across disciplinary and national borders. Amongst other things, networking sponsorship caters for further research stays to Germany. This gives fellows a chance to revitalise relationships to specialist colleagues and their institutes or make contacts with new partners, continue joint projects already underway, or build new collaborations. The Research Group Linkage Programme allows Humboldtians to apply for sponsorship in order to cooperate over a period of three years with a researcher working at a German institute and additional cooperation partners in other countries. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation regularly organises colloquia abroad to which it invites research fellows and research award winners living in the host country or region, as well as Feodor Lynen fellows working there. Since 2002, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has provided financial support for Humboldt Alumni Associations as well as for individual Humboldtians to organise regional and specialist conferences. These Humboldt Kollegs have become one of the most popular instruments for strengthening regional and specialist networks. Apart from networking, the Kollegs serve to awaken the interest of young academics in the Foundation’s programmes and in Germany as a location for research. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Humboldt Alumni Awards for innovative networking initiatives are granted to fellows and award winners abroad. Each award is valued at up to €25,000. Four awards are granted annually, including one that is earmarked to sponsor initiatives promoting networking between female academics. The awards are designed to support projects not covered by the Foundation's existing sponsorship and alumni programmes and to promote academic and cultural relations between Germany and the Humboldt alumni's own countries as well as to strengthen their collaboration in the respective regions. The Humboldt Alumni Award earmarked for networking between female academics targets initiatives which promote and strengthen the long-term career paths of female researchers and their collaborative partners within the respective networks whilst taking account of their professional and family obligations. It also seeks to encourage more female researchers to participate in the Foundation’s sponsorship programmes. 12 12
Origin of guest researchers 2011–2015: 2,769 research fellowships granted to academics from abroad Australia, New Zealand, Oceania 3% Middle East, North Africa 4% Sub-Saharan Africa 4% Central and South America 7% Europe 37% The distribution of research fellows according to countries of origin changes from year to year because the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation does not have any quotas for countries but selects candidates solely on the basis of the academic quality of applications. Thus, the distribution reflects both the countries which have particularly large numbers of applicants and particularly successful applicants and also indicates how attractive Germany is as a research location for certain countries during a certain period. The Foundation welcomes excellent applications from all countries equally. Of the researchers from abroad (Humboldt and Georg Forster Research Fellows) selected in the five-year period, 2011–2015, 37% came from Europe, 27% from Asia, 17% from North America, 7% from Central and South America, 4% from Sub-Saharan Africa, 4% from the Middle East, North Africa and 3% from Australia, New Zealand and Oceania. (Die Summe von 99% ergibt sich aus der Rundung der Prozentzahlen!) North America 17% Asia 27% 13 13
Disciplines of guest researchers 2011–2015: 2,769 research fellowships granted to academics from abroad Engineering Sciences 13 % Life Sciences 20 % The distribution of research fellows according to discipline changes from year to year because the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation does not have any quotas for disciplines but selects candidates solely on the basis of the academic quality of applications. Thus, the distribution reflects both the disciplines which have particularly large numbers of applicants and particularly successful applicants and also indicates how attractive Germany is as a research location for certain disciplines during a certain period. The Foundation welcomes excellent applications from all disciplines equally. Of the researchers from abroad (Humboldt and Georg Forster Research Fellows) selected in the five-year period, 2011–2015, 41% were natural scientists, 26% were humanities scholars and social scientists, 20% were life scientists and 13% were engineering scientists. Natural Sciences 41 % Humanities and Social Sciences 26 % 14 14
Contact The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is available to answer your questions at any time: info@avh.de www.humboldt-foundation.de Jean-Paul-Straße 12 53173 Bonn Germany Tel: +49 228 833-0 Fax: +49 228 833-199 If you have any questions about the Humboldt Foundation’s work or would like to obtain information on applications please contact info@avh.de directly. 15 15