Support for postgraduate research student recruitment and admissions Al Carlile Student Recruitment and Admissions
Enhanced Admissions Service Listings/ Advertising Events and Fairs CRM/ Autoemail Enhanced Admissions Service Recruitment Matters
Listings/Advertising Objective: Raise the profile of PGR study at Sheffield through profiling our offer online Current listings: Prospects FindAPhD (Find a University) Postgraduate Studentships (Think Postgrad) Study Link Target Postgrad Undertaking a project to review the listings approach across the institution Contact: Tony Flaherty (
Events and Fairs Objective: Raise the profile of PGR study at Sheffield through PG events on campus and PhD recruitment fairs 2x PG Open Day each year, around 100 prospective PGR students book to attend each event Monthly Visit Afternoons, designed for PGR interest (visitors make appointments to see departments) We attend 3x PGR-focused UK Recruitment Fairs each year (London, Oxford, Cambridge). 10+ PG fairs attended each year with PGR interest seen at fairs Contact: Jo Thompson (
CRM/Autoemail Objective: Cut down on potential duplication of effort by knowing when an enquiry has been dealt with and make contacting new prospective students easier PGR enquirer information is collected at recruitment events, via prospectus requests, and through bookings for postgraduate open days Enquiries captured are available to download from uReports or you can email directly using the bulk email option within CRM. Guidance is available at:
Enhanced Admissions Service Objective: Create efficiencies in the PGR admissions process/reduce academic administration 3 Departments actively using PGR EAS Admissions Service: outstanding document chase, checking academic and English qualifications, making recommended decision Department: Assesses research proposal and supervisor availability Controlled rollout, but would welcome expressions of interest from Departments Contact: Matt Page (
Recruitment Matters Objective: Provide Training and support for University staff involved with student recruitment, admissions and related marketing activity Range of sessions run throughout the year Topics covered include: qualifications, international markets, CRM training, digital engagement, making the best of open days The programme can be found at:
What support would departments like in recruiting doctoral research students Fifteen minutes to discuss on tables, please use the post its on tables to record your ideas (these will be collected at the end and used to inform next steps and potential future Recruitment Matters sessions) Five minutes to feedback key points or raise questions