Constitutional Convention
Plans of government Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan Bicameral legislature based on population Executive leader chosen by the legislature National Court System New Jersey Plan Unicameral legislature with equal representation Executive leader(s) National Court system secondary to the states Contained the Supremacy Clause
Plans of Government Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan James Madison William Patterson
Connecticut Compromise Bi-cameral legislature with the upper house having equal representation and the lower house based on population The lower house would be elected by the voters. The upper house would be appointed by state legislatures.
Other Compromises Slave trade compromise: Congress will control trade, but they can not interfere with the slave trade until it is re-addressed in twenty years. Three-fifths compromise: Each slave will count as 3/5 of a person for representation in the lower house. Executive Compromise: The president will be elected by the electoral college.
The secret of the electoral college A majority of electoral votes is needed to become president. The delegates felt this would be impossible to achieve as elections would consist of “favorite sons”. If no candidate receives a majority, the House of Representatives will choose the President.
The delegates will get what they want The popular vote will be split geographically. The Electoral votes will be split by multiple Candidates. The election is thrown into the House. The Legislative Branch chooses the President.