IBS and Alternative medicine. HW499 Jamie Fabre Kaplan University
Who is familiar with Herbs & Essential Oils? What are some of the oils you know?
What is an Essential Oil? According to the ISO (International Standards Organization) to definition is as follows: “A product obtained from natural raw material, either by steam distillation or water or from the epicarp of citrus fruits by mechanical processing or by dry distillation. The essential oil is subsequently separated from the aqueous phase by physical means. (Battaglia S., 2003).
The Digestive System Various organs work together for digestion. Lets look at these 4 processes. Ingestion- eating (consumption) Digestion – breakdown of food Metabolism- turning food into energy Excretion – riding of waste
Can Herbs & essentials Oils help all of these digestive processes? The answer is YES! Some of these oils can help more than one process. Lets take a look at the essential oils that can help the Digestive System.
To Help with Ingestion / Digestion Before Meals - 1 cup of warm tea (Lemon ginger, ginger, fennel) you can sweeten with a minimal amount of honey to your liking. HEB, WAL-MART, KROGER, RANDALLS WHOLE FOODS, NATURAL GROCERS and other stores have these teas readily available. Drinking a small glass of water before and during your meal can help with digestion.
Ginger Zingiber officinale Available Forms Essential Oil Extract Cyrstallized Ginger Fresh Ginger Powdered Capsules (Skidmore-Roth L, 2010). Fresh ginger tea and lemon ginger tea is ready to try so come up and grab a sample. Notice the spice and aroma of the tea and also smell the scent strip of the essnetial oil “Ginger” .
Fennel Foeniculum vulgare Available Forms Tea Spice Powder Essential Extract Fresh (Skidmore-Roth L, 2010). Fresh Fennel tea is here for you to try so come up and get a cup if you would like a sample. I encourage to sample the tea and to smell the aroma of the oil. ENJOY
Basil Ocimum basilicum Available Forms **Many Varieties ** Dried Spice and leaves Tea Essential Oil Fresh Extract (Skidmore-Roth L, 2010). Fresh Basil is here to smell and feel free to taste and compare sweet basil and lemon basil. Smell the essential oil as it is passed around.
Peppermint Mentha piperita Available Forms Essential Oil Fresh Herb Dried herb Extract Tea Come check on this tea as well and make sure you select your vote for you favorite Tea. The Essential oils scent strips are being passed around as well. Note this pleasant odor.
Your favorite TEA Your favorite Oil Ginger -- Lemon Ginger XX Fennel XXXX X Sweet Basil Peppermint XXXXX XXX
Why try Alternative methods? Natural and safer No Rx needed No Monthly Dr. Visit No Insurance claims No harsh side effects when used correctly Organic plants used Compliments many lifestyles and cultures
Questions and Answers!! ?
Reference Page Cooksley, Valerie. Aromatherapy “Soothing remedies to restore, rejuvenate and heal”. (2002). Chapter 2. Prentice Hall Press, New York. Battaglia, Salvatore. (2003). The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy. Perfect Potion Publishing, Virginia Australia. Skidmore-Roth, Linda. (2010). Mosby’s Handbook of Herbs and Natural Supplements. 4th edition. Mosby, Elesvier. St. Louis Missouri.