Europe/North Africa 1939-.


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Presentation transcript:

Europe/North Africa 1939-

Blitzkrieg Poland France Dunkirk Battle of Britain Operation Europe Battle/Strategy main nations Date(s)/year(s) Goals Describe Outcomes Blitzkrieg Poland France Dunkirk Battle of Britain Operation Barbarossa El Alamein Stalingrad

Invasion of Italy D- Day Battle of the Bulge Race to Berlin Europe Battle/Strategy main nations Date(s)/year(s) Goals Describe Outcomes Invasion of Italy D- Day Battle of the Bulge Race to Berlin


Hiroshima and Nagasaki Pacific Battle/Strategy main nations Date(s)/year(s) Goals Describe Outcomes Invasion of Manchuria Pearl Harbor Midway Guadalcanal Island Hopping Iwo Jima Okinawa Hiroshima and Nagasaki

War against the Citizen Battle/Strategy main nations Date(s)/year(s) Goals Describe Outcomes Holocaust Einsatzgruppen Rape of Nanjing London Blitz Firebombing of Germany A-bombs