How to Submit a Quality eMod May 9, 2017
Overview What is a Contract Modification? What is an eMod? What is a Digital Certificate? eMod Submission Requirements Common Types of Modifications GSA Advantage! Submitting an eMod using different “mod types” based on the actions requested.
What is a Contract Modification? A contract modification is any change, contractually or administratively, within your organization that must be reflected in your GSA Schedule Contract. Common modifications types include, but are not limited to: Administrative Changes - Rapid Action Modifications (RAMs) Add and Special Item Numbers (SINs) or Products/Services Economic Price Adjustments Price Reductions Options Novation or Change of Name *Administrative Changes: These mods are considered Rapid Action Modifications (RAM mods). These modifications are unilateral and do not require the vendor’s signature. All other modifications are bilateral by default and require dual signatures. *Price Reduction: A price reduction could be a decrease in your commercial price list, an increase (better discount) to the Government, temporary price reduction or an error you identified in your previously approved price list. When you submit these types of modifications ensure to include a cover letter explaining what type of price reduction you are offering to the Government.
What is an eMod? The eMod system is a web-based application that allows contractors to electronically prepare and submit modification requests. Information and training relating to the eMod system is located on the eOffer website at: Consistent with current practices, modification requests initiated via the eMod process must be submitted by an authorized contract representative. Your authorized contract representative must obtain a digital certificate before initiating an eMod. *The eOffer website contains a variety of information regarding the eOffer application, including system release notes, available training, digital certificate information and information.
What is a Digital Certificate? A digital certificate is an electronic credential that: Asserts the identity of an individual Enables eOffer/eMod to verify the identity of the individual entering the system and signing documents Encrypts or decrypts data to ensure that it is securely transmitted A packet of information that is stored on a web browser or on a token Creates digital signatures which are verifiable
Digital Certificate Requirements Must obtain a Level 3 Digital Authentication Certificate IdenTrust Operational Research Consultants (ORC) Recommend that at least two people with digital certificates listed as Authorized Negotiators, one of which must be an employee of the company It usually takes between 7 and 14 days for a digital certificate to be issued Digital certificates must be updated every 2 years It is imperative that contractors keep their digital certificates current. An expired digital certificate will remove the ability to submit an electronic modification Guidance on using the eMod system, obtaining digital certificates, and using the eMod training guide is available at *If you are having a problem contact the GSA help desk at 1-866-472-9114 or or the Industry Partner (IdenTrust or ORC) you have chosen. *Please note, that authorized negotiators’ names and email addresses must be entered exactly as they appear on the digital certificate, including punctuation. It is highly recommended that at least two (2) authorized negotiators possess digital certificates. *Should you receive an error message concerning authorized negotiators when you input your first eMod, please contact your GSA Contracting Officer for assistance with the initial input.
eMod Submission Requirements Modification documents are available at: Click on your Schedule “Title” link in the center of the page. You will be directed to another page. Once there, click on ‘Post Award Reference (Schedule 84). Supporting Documentation - varies by Schedule and type of mod. All mods should include a cover letter outlining all requested changes. *eMod is a mandatory process, effective February 2010 for all Schedules. *On the Post Award Reference website, we have posted “General Modification Instructions” and post award reference documents to assist you with your modification requests. These documents were previously posted on FedBizOpps with the Solicitation, but were since removed as these documents are updated less frequently. However; always check the Post Award Reference website for the latest updates. **CMOV discussion “discuss CMOV requirements with your individual CO” ** If a mod is pursuant to an order, please provide ordering activity POC info in the cover letter.
Common Types of Modifications Administrative Changes (RAM mods) Additions Economic Price Adjustment Price Reductions Novation or Name Change Options *Refer the GSAC’s Post Award Reference by Schedule for mandatory templates and general instructions.
Administrative Changes - Rapid Action Modifications (RAMs) Administrative Modifications Change of authorized negotiator or contract administrator Change of address/phone/fax/website/email address Change of (addition/deletion) authorized reseller Deletions Modifications Deletion of labor category Deletion of product Deletion of Special Item Number (SIN) *RAM mods are processed separately from all other mod actions. Did you know that administrative actions make up 30% of all contract modifications submitted and reviewed each month? By reducing the time it takes to review these modifications, we can assure more time is focused on other contract actions by streamlining the process. *Authorized Negotiators/Contract Administrator: Letter (must be signed by an officer of the company) stating the name, title, email address, and phone number of the new Authorized Negotiator. Letter must state whether that person will or will not have signatory authority. When you go into the eMod system, you will also designate that person’s authority. *Address Changes: If your business address changes in SAM, our contract system it will automatically generate an eMod to recognize this change. You must submit an eMod for all other contact changes for the changes to be reflected on eLibrary. *If you submit a RAM with other actions such as additions, the eMod system will automatically “spilt” the modification into two separate mod actions When this happens, the documents you uploaded into the eMod system does not always flow to the spilt modification. As a best practice, it is recommended you submit your RAM mods separately upfront.
Commercial Pricelist and/or Verbatim Extract Additions Cover Letter Commercial Pricelist and/or Verbatim Extract Discount Proposal Spreadsheet Modifications Attachment Letter of Commitment/Supply (See Post Award Reference documents for specific Schedule instructions and required attachments) Cover Letter: Summary of requested changes Statement on whether or not the proposed CPL represents a complete replacement of a previously awarded CPL or in addition to a previously awarded price list. Statement if the proposed CPL was in effect during the period of past sales reported on the Commercial Sales Practices Format (CSP). If it was not, for evaluation purposes, provide a copy of the CPL that was in effect during the time period in which commercial sales were reported. Statement as to whether the company’s commercial sales practices have or have not changed. If there has been a change, describe the changes. Any other pertinent information to support the modification request. For example, is there a pending order. If so, provide customer name and contact info. Commercial Pricelist and/or Verbatim Extract: Price lists should be in accordance with Clause 552.212-70(c) - “Preparation of Offer”. Discount Proposal Spreadsheet: Completion of this spreadsheet is required for all proposed additions. For other changes, such as price increases/decreases, product descriptions changes, etc., the Contracting Officer will need a detailed listing of those changes. Please contact your CO/CS for additional guidance. Modifications Attachment: Use the most recent Modification Attachment posted on GSAC’s Post Award Reference Documents. Letters of Commitment/Supply: Ensure to forward the mandatory LOC template posted on GSAC’s Post Award Reference Documents. If you are not the manufacturer of offered products and are providing a Letter of Supply from a distributor rather than the manufacturer, the letter must specify the manufacturers/brands the distributor is committing to supply.
Economic Price Adjustment Cover Letter Commercial Pricelist and/or Verbatim Extract Comparison of the “current” and “proposed” price lists (can use Discount Proposal Spreadsheet with additional columns) Justification for price increases (letters from manufacturers, indices, invoices, etc.) Statement that there are no changes to your commercial sales practices OR submit a new CSP reflective of all changes (i.e. Discounts, FOB, MFC/BOA etc.) (See Post Award Reference documents for specific Schedule instructions and required attachments)
Novation or Name Change Complete Novation or Change of Name Agreement per FAR 42.12 (See Post Award Reference documents for list of attachments) Email documents to CS/CO for review before submitting eMod Contracting Officer will determine whether it is in the Government’s best interest to recognize the successor *No other modifications will be approved until the Novation/Name Change mod is completed *Email the CS/CO Novation and or Change of Name Agreement package as documents must be reviewed and submitted to GSA Legal for legal sufficiency. Once approved, documents can be uploaded to the eMod system.
Options I-FSS-163 Option to Extend the Term of the Contract (Evergreen) Contractor will be notified approximately 210 days via e-mail prior to expiration (Open Option Process) Reviews: Sales (I-FSS-639) Performance Advantage files Subcontracting Plan (if applicable) *210 Day Option Renewal Notice: Provides instructions on how and what to submit, to include submission deadlines. It’s important to note, no other changes other than exercising the option will be approved. If your commercial practices or pricing have changed, you must submit a separate modification for approval separate from the Option process.
Advantage Provides contract information and pricing for customers Allows contractor to participate in eBuy and receive and/or respond to RFQs Must update Advantage within 30 days of signed modifications Must either update or verify no changes to Advantage files at least once every two years or the files will be automatically removed within 90 days of notification.
Presentation by Bryon Boyer Schedule 84 Section Chief – Contracts Specialist (817) 850-5580