Roman Britain and Early Christianity 250 – 450 CE
Timeline for Early Christianity 4 BCE to 30 CE: Life of Jesus of Nazareth 65 CE: Deaths of Paul and Peter 70-110 CE: Canonical Gospels written 64-306 CE: Persecution and Martyrdom 325 CE: Council of Nicaea 340: Eusebius writes Church History 400 CE: St. Jerome produces the Vulgate Bible 597 CE Pope Gregory the Great sends missionaries to England 673-735: Bede’s lifetime
Bede 672-735
Jarrow Monastery
Discuss Bede What makes the study of the Anglo-Saxons’ conversion to Christianity more historically significant that the possible history of Arthur? What makes his History “readable and attractive.” p. 19 What were Bede’s interests or strengths? What sources did he use? What purpose or overriding principles guided his work?
What strengths did Bede exhibit? Use of Anno Domini dating He was a historian not a chronicler He provided succinct chapter summaries He meticulously collected sources
Discuss Bede What did the introduction mean when it stated that Bede was interest in the transition for diversity to unity? What defined the diversity that he was concerned with? Why was unity desirable? What indicated that unity was progressing in his History?
What biases does Bede exhibit? Anti-Celtic Roman Christian Northumbrian provincialism History as manifestation of Providence Willingness to accept miracles without reservation
The Heptarchy c. 700
Bede 672-735
What do we know about British paganism? Their deities resembled Roman pagan deities Their cults fused with Roman cults during the Roman imperial period
The Empire During the Pax Romana
Cybele The Great Mother
Pagan God Mithras
Important to keep in mind while reading Bede What were the defining features of early Christianity?
Prominent features of early Christianity Asceticism Evangelism Book religion Martyrdom Hierarchy
Judea at the time of the Incarnation of Christ
Codex Amiatinus c. 700
Qumran site of Dead Sea Scrolls and likely site of Essene Community in Eastern Judea
Sermon on the Mount Cosimo Roselli, c. 1480, Matthew 5:1
St. Paul Missionary to the Gentiles c. 50 CE as rendered by Massacio c St. Paul Missionary to the Gentiles c. 50 CE as rendered by Massacio c. 1425 CE
Irenaeus Bishop of Lyons c. 180
History of Christianity in Britain What were the mythical elements of that history?
Christ with Joseph of Aramethea, Nicodemus, and Mary Magdellan G Christ with Joseph of Aramethea, Nicodemus, and Mary Magdellan G. Bellini c. 1510
St. Alban Lived in third century First British martyr/saint Tomb at St. Albans Monastery built in 8th century
St Albans Benedictine Monastery
St. Helena Mother of Constantine alleged to be British but was from Western Asia
Constantine the Great 274-337 Declared Emperor at York in 306 CE
St. Germaine of Auxerre aka St. Germanus c. 440
Alleluia Victory