District Mathematics Leadership Meeting – May 8, 2017 Success for Each Child and Eliminate the Opportunity Gap District Mathematics Leadership Meeting – May 8, 2017 Please sign in and find/make a name tag. Help yourself to snacks and coffee/tea Wireless: PSESD Guest
Focus for the Year How might we, the mathematics education community, make a difference in the teaching and learning of mathematics that promote rich, rigorous, and relevant mathematical experiences for all students? What key actions should we consider?
Learning Targets We will strengthen our ability to: Develop and sustain a community of learners that focuses on putting the shifts into practice that reflect the CCSS vision; both around making sense of the mathematics and demonstrating that understanding. Deepen our understanding of resources and opportunities to support CCSS and the Smarter Balanced Assessment system. Learn together how to design, deliver, and evaluate the effectiveness of professional learning that bridges the knowing-doing gap.
Agenda Welcome – Learning from each other Leading with Equity Doing Math Exploring Ways to Support Teacher Learning Resources and Opportunities Closing and Next Steps Lunch : Continued Networking
Networking – Sharing our Practice Thinking about your role in supporting math improvement efforts: Questions, Successes, & Barriers Private Think Time to respond Find someone not at your table. Take two minutes each share your responses to the first question. Repeat sharing with different category and new partner. Remy
Networking – Sharing our Practice Thinking about your role in supporting math improvement efforts: Questions, Successes, & Barriers Private Think Time to respond Find someone not at your table. Take two minutes each share your responses to the FIRST question. Repeat sharing with different category and new partner.
Networking – Sharing our Practice Thinking about your role in supporting math improvement efforts: Questions, Successes, & Barriers Private Think Time to respond Find someone not at your table. Take two minutes each share your responses to the first question. Find a new partner, Take two minutes to share responses to the second question.
Instructional Practices An Equity Perspective: Rich, Relevant, Rigorous mathematics for all students Instructional Practices Mathematics Beliefs
Recap of 2017–18 Readings Mathematics Education Through the Lens of Social Justice: Acknowledgment, Actions, and Accountability The Impact of Identity in K-8 Mathematics: Rethinking Equity-Based Practices (Aguirre, Mayfield-Ingram, & Martin) Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (Zaretta Hammond)
Revisit Mathematics Education Through the Lens of Social Justice: Acknowledgment, Actions, and Accountability
Silent Graffiti Walk: …pen in hand 5-10 Minutes to stroll around and interact with the quotes For Quotes that inspire you, add comments. These might include: Ways you’ve addressed this in your work Hope/Aspirations for next year Noticings & Wonderings Ways in which you agree or disagree Connecting quotes from this or other readings 10 minutes Take your book and a writing implement.
Silent Graffiti Conversation: Choose one of the Quotes and with 3 to 5 colleagues engage in an silent graffiti conversation Read what others have written Add your thoughts and ideas in writing on the poster 10 minutes Take your book and a writing implement.
Digging Deeper Discussion What are the overarching themes you discussed silently? Look for connections across your written ideas and the quote on your poster Develop a summary statement to share with the rest of the group resulting from your conversation. How does your conversation tie back to our Venn Diagram? 10-15 minutes
Instructional Practices An Equity Perspective: Rich, Relevant, Rigorous mathematics for all students Instructional Practices Mathematics Beliefs What are the implications for our work as District Math Leaders?
Doing Math Together: Invented Multiplication Strategy Thomas and his classmates have been working on invented strategies for 27 x 18. https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/teacher/tasks/24# https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/teacher/tasks/24#
Invented Multiplication Strategy: What does Thomas know? Take a moment of private think time to notice what Thomas knows. Then work together on the task. Have teachers share out: Under what circumstances would it work? Area model? Photo credit: https://pixabay.com/en/boy-math-student-desk-elementary-1126140/ Ask DLs to engage in the task, and then share out. What does he know? When would it work?
Teacher Tasks from Illustrative Mathematics https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/collaboration
Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Deborah Ball: http://sites.soe.umich.edu/mkt/project-overview/
An Equity Perspective: Instructional Practices Mathematics How do we keep the focus on all 3? Beliefs
Supporting Professional Learning How do we bridge the knowing/doing gap?
Teacher Education by Design http://tedd.org/?tedd_activity=truefalse-equations
Reflecting & Looking Forward Ask DLs to reflect in their table groups and think about what have they done this year to bridge the knowing doing gap. How does the TEDD design support their work? How can we use it to increase our impact in future years? Next steps?
Reflecting & Looking Forward What have you done to bridge the knowing/doing gap? How have you addressed practices, mathematics, & beliefs Has the TEDD Learning Cycle been helpful? What learning would you like to engage in next year in this group? Next Steps?
Reflecting & Looking Forward From Kendra: What are the needs/wants for your teacher educators. What are the problems of practice you face in helping support coaches/teacher leaders to support teacher learning? What would they like to see coaches/teacher leaders doing differently/better/more?
Resources & Opportunities The handout has information and resources for upcoming learning opportunities Greta
Open Up Resources Middle School Math Learning Opportunities from Illustrative Mathematics: One-day workshop focusing on the Five Practices June 2nd at PSESD June 1st in Spokane Please sign up for the waitlist if you are interested in attending at another time. Three-day workshop in the summer for facilitators
Please complete the AESD Survey Wrap Up 2017 – 18 District Math Leaders Meetings Please complete the AESD Survey http://tinyurl.com/PSESD-16-17-Math Lunch : Continued Networking And +/delta survey
See you on October 2nd, 2017 gbornemann@psesd.org lnielsen@psesd.org Greta Bornemann – gbornemann@psesd.org 425-917-7859 See you on October 2nd, 2017 Greta Bornemann Leslie Nielsen Remy Poon gbornemann@psesd.org lnielsen@psesd.org rpoon@psesd.org