Tumors of the larynx Benign tumors Papilloma of the larynx Most common benign tumor of the larynx and occurs in patients of all age. The causative agent is thought to be HPV. Papillomas usually regress during puberty.
Tumors of the larynx Papilloma of the larynx Usually involving the true vocal cords but may affect supraglottic and subglottic regions. May also involve the trachea and bronchus.
Tumors of the larynx papilloma of the larynx Papillomas in juveniles is more often multiple and recurs more frequently than in adults. Papillomas in adults are usually single but may undergo malignant change (HPV 16,18).
Tumors of the larynx papilloma of the larynx Symptoms: Aphonia or weak cry is usually the first sign in infants. Dyspnea and stridor are seen. Hoarseness is the most common symptom in adults.
Tumors of the larynx papilloma of the larynx Laryngoscopic examination: the tumor is pink or dark red in color. The surface of the tumor is rough and papillary. The tumor is located in VC, false VC or subglottic area.
Tumors of the larynx papilloma of the larynx treatment: excision under microlaryngoscopy is the most commonly employed treatment modality. Repeated operations are usually needed in children.
Tumors of the larynx papilloma of the larynx Co2 laser is favored because of its hemostatic properties and its precision allows for vaporization of the lesion. Tracheotomy is occasionally indicated in children with dyspnea, but should be avoided due to concern about subglottic spread.
Tumors of the larynx papilloma of the larynx transfer factor, interferon and antivirotics. Cidofovir , a new antiviral agent approved for ocular cytomegalovirus infections, has shown promise as a local injection in adjuvant therapy. Autogenous vaccine.
Tumors of the larynx Hemangioma Hemangiomas are more common in children than in adults. They occur on VC, subglottic regions and pyriform sinus. Subglottic hemangioma is the common neoplasm of the infant airway.
Hemangioma of the larynx classification:⑴ capillary (common,red)⑵ cavernous (less common, dark red) symptoms:hemorrhage, hoarseness treatment:laser, injection of sclerosing agent, and surgical excision.
Tumors of the larynx Fibroma and neurofibroma of the larynx symptoms:hoarseness and dyspnea exam: smooth tumor on the VC, pale or dark red in color. treatment:surgical treatment