Parliamentary Procedure Steven Rumbuc
What Is Parliamentary Procedure? “Parliamentary procedure refers to the practices used in meetings to keep things orderly and give everybody present a fair chance to be heard for at least as long as it takes for everybody to realize that nothing new is being said and a large majority is ready to make a decision and get on with other business” C. Alan Jennings
THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE THE MEETING Quorum Only One Motion Substantive vs. Subsidiary Reviewing a Motion Elaboration Voting
Quorum The minimum amount of people necessary to conduct business. Marian University Student Senate must have 2/3 of all Student Senate representatives present to establish a quorum and conduct business.
Only One Only one person can speak at a time. Only one order of business will be conducted at a time. When that business is exhausted, another order of business will be introduced. Only one motion regarding the same business.
Motion A form of words proposed by a member of an assembly which, if agreed upon, becomes an order or resolution of the assembly. A motion must be presented at the correct time. A motion must pertain to the business at hand.
Substantive vs. Subsidiary Substantive motions are independent and express the opinion or decision of the assembly. Subsidiary motions are dependent on other things and mainly procedural in character.
Reviewing a Motion A motion must be made. A member must say, “ I move that…” followed by the members proposal. For the motion to be reviewed, a member must second the motion. This ensures the topic is debatable and interest more than one member of the assembly. After a motion is seconded, the chairperson must say, “It is moved and seconded that…” followed by the motion being reviewed. Debate or voting on the motion can begin.
Elaboration The initial mover is allowed to speak first. If he or she wishes to speak again, he or she can speak after everyone else who wishes to speak finishes. If the speaker wishes to speak for a third time, the rules can be suspended by proceeding with a motion to allow the speaker more time. This motion must also be seconded and receive a 2/3 assembly vote. Each speaker has the floor for a set, predetermined time frame. Each speaker must direct his or her comments to the chairperson.
Voting Voting can be done by a show of hands, by voice (Aye or No), by roll call (Yes, No, Present), by ballot, or by general consent (to oppose you must object). Any member of the assembly may move to have an exact count of the votes. A majority vote, 2/3 of the assembly, is required to pass the order or resolution being voted upon. Any absent members of the assembly will forfeit their vote for that particular meeting.
TYPICAL TIMELINE Meeting Begins Meeting adjourned Previous Minutes Further business Reports Unfinished business New business
MEETING BEGINS Meeting Begins The Vice President says, “The meeting will come to order.” Roll call – Representatives say “present” as their organizations are recognized. Any guest speakers will be given the floor. Meeting Adjourned Previous Minutes Further Business Reports Unfinished Business New Business
PREVIOUS MINUTES Meeting Begins Previous meeting minutes will examined to implement any changes, additions, or corrections. If there are no changes, additions, or corrections to be made, a motion to approve the minutes is made. Meeting Adjourned Previous Minutes Further Business Reports Unfinished Business New Business
REPORTS Meeting Begins Officers give their reports and position updates. Standing committees give their reports and updates. After the standing committee reports, any special committees must give their reports and updates. Meeting Adjourned Previous Minutes Further Business Reports Unfinished Business New Business
UNFINISHED BUSINESS Meeting Begins Any business that was unfinished from a previous meeting or meetings will be revisited. The business may be voted on, debated on, or motioned to be revisited at a later date. Meeting Adjourned Previous Minutes Further Business Reports Unfinished Business New Business
NEW BUSINESS Meeting Begins Meeting Adjourned Any new business is discussed, voted on, or motioned to be revisited at a later date. Previous Minutes Further Business Reports Unfinished Business New Business
FURTHER BUSINESS Meeting Begins Meeting Adjourned Any further business is mentioned Previous Minutes Further Business Reports Unfinished Business New Business
MEETING ADJOURNED Meeting Begins Meeting Adjourned A motion can be made to extend the time of the assembly meeting. If all business has been exhausted, a motion can be made to adjourn the meeting. Previous Minutes Further Business Reports Unfinished Business New Business
Just a Reminder Please come to the meetings with an open mind and be respectful. No matter how strongly you feel about an issue, calm, well-thought statements are better heard than emotion-filled expressions. Let us be mindful that we are leaders on campus. Our voices are voices of many. We must take into consideration the groups that we represent and seek what is best for them.