Exercise 1 In Fig. 1, run the analysis, and verify that the overall voltage gain Av=V0/Vs=-25.74, input resistance at VS = 15.44K, output resistance at Vo = 9.752K Fig. 1 CE amplifier with emitter resistor
PSpice BJT Model PSpice CE amplifier with emitter resistor
Circuit Description by PSpice
Question What is the curve of Vo vs Vs when Vs value increases from 0mV to 1mV with 0.01mV.
Exercise 2 In Fig. 2, run the analysis, and verify that the overall voltage gain Av=V0/Vi=-1.939, output resistance at Vo = 1.95K Fig.2 CS FET with Rs
PSpice FET Model
Circuit Description by PSpice Common-Source FET with RS VI 1 0 1mV G 2 3 1 3 2mS RD 2 3 40K RL 2 0 2K RS 3 0 500 RG 1 2 10MEG .OP .OPT nopage .TF V(2) VI .END
Question What is the curve of IL vs Vi when Vi value increases from 0mV to 1mV with 0.01mV?
Thinking….. What is the simulation results when the Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 circuits are using real part for BJT and FET?