Check or Cash? For many people, having a checkbook or cash on hand is a thing of the past. With so many of our transactions being handled online or through the use of bank cards, these methods have quickly become the most immediate ways we respond to our daily business needs.
Simply give As a result, it has become almost instinctual for us to reach for our phones or cards when we have a desire to contribute to a cause or organization that speaks to our heart.
Giving made simple There is something about seeing good done in the world that we naturally want to support. So it actually helps everyone when giving is made easy. Recognizing this, First Congregational Church of Boulder has instituted an easy to use text to give system in partnership with ACS Technologies.
Not just simple…easy With this new platform, people who want to contribute to the mission and ministries of the Church or even pay for events hosted here will be able to do so through their smart devices. And you don’t have to be a tech genius to use it. The first set up takes two minutes and after that it is as easy as sending a text message, selecting where you want to contribute, and clicking “GIVE”. This is how it works: GIVE
Step 1: Start a text message and send it to 73256. We recommend saving the number as a contact for future use as shown in the image.
Step 2a: Insert the giving keyword, “joy2givefcc”, a space, and the desired amount. Joy2givefcc 20
Step 2b: If the fund you wish to contribute to is assigned a keyword, insert it between “joy2givefcc” and the amount as shown. Joy2givefcc Music 20
Step 3: You will receive an immediate text back with a link to complete the contribution. Click on the link and proceed from there.
Step 4: This step requires that you input your giving method. You only have to do this step once unless you decide to add another payment method later.
Step 5: After inputting your giving method, you can select where the funds are to go by selecting from the dropdown menu. Then just press “GIVE”. That’s pretty much it!
Well…Mostly It.
That’s It and It’s That Easy! (303)720-LOVE