The History of Slavery in Richmond, VA UNIV112 #Hacktheplanetrva! The History of Slavery in Richmond, VA Richmond Stories Project By: Faisal Kamal
Richmond is the capital city of Virginia. UNIV112 #Hacktheplanetrva! Richmond is the capital city of Virginia. It was the first colony to receive servants and slaves for cheap labor. The colony’s primary crop was tobacco, which required intensive labor and was starting to record high demands from Europe and England. Due to high demand, the settlement began to find ways to ensure high productivity at a cheap labor cost. The colony then started taking laborers from Africa and Europe as indentured servants. With the time, the tactic changed, and the servants became slaves in the colony.
UNIV112 #Hacktheplanetrva! The first instance was when the captain was transporting tobacco paid for the product with black slaves from Africa. The other instant is where colonists received an amount of land equivalent to some slaves transported to Virginia. The African slaves first landed in Virginia in 1619. The colony regarded African slaves who entered Virginia as indentured servants. Both the white indentured servants and African indentured servants received the same treatment.
UNIV112 #Hacktheplanetrva! After completing their loan, African slaves would earn freedom and get 50 acres of land to raise their tobacco and become independent. Upon receiving a piece of the earth, slaves faced another challenge where they had to raise some amount to survey their land. The transition of Negro and European indentured servants to slaves was in 1690. The transition was a slow and gradual process. The first blacks to arrive at the state were in two groups. Some of them became slaves with the others being taken to colonies and regarded as indentured servants.
UNIV112 #Hacktheplanetrva! Virginian planters heavily invested in tobacco as a primary export. The crop was labor intensive. The high demand of tobacco led to the importation of slaves from Africa to work on the labor-intensive crop. After the establishment of slavery practice, some of the slaves started getting freedom by escaping with others purchasing freedom from their hard-earned wages. Most free slaves chose to stay in Richmond.
UNIV112 #Hacktheplanetrva! The first places to record slavery were the colonies that required cheap labor. Most colonies took slaves since they needed people who would work on their tobacco farms. The story of slavery is more in Richmond compared with the other colonies in America. The story revolves around Richmond because it was the first colony to take slaves. The End
UNIV112 #Hacktheplanetrva! Bibliography: History of Slavery in Virginia, Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. March 1st, 2016. Richmond’s Museum District, Where History and Art Come Together. January 13, 2016, by Steve Cook. district/#.Vr56dHgirzI Museum District Richmond: An Area Infused with Culture, Education, and Amenities by Ada James, Movoto Real Estate. richmond-culture-education-and-amenities/.