Lesson 1 L.O. To recall the 2 and 5 times tables. 12 sided dice.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 1 L.O. To recall the 2 and 5 times tables. 12 sided dice

L.O. To answer calculations mentally. I can explain my answers. I can use mental strategies to answer questions.

L.O. To answer calculations mentally.

L.O. To recall multiplication facts Lesson 2 L.O. To recall multiplication facts On your WBs… Multiply the number on the generator by the number you are practising on the times tables ladder. Random number generator

L.O. To multiply multiples of 10 by a 1 digit number. I can use a multiplication grid to help with my calculations. I can multiply any 1 digit number by a multiple of 10. I can multiply 2 and 5 by a multiple of 10.

What has happened to our numbers? L.O. To multiply multiples of 10 by a 1 digit number. Let’s count in 2’s… Now can we count in 20s? What has happened to our numbers? counting stick

Who will lead the digits? L.O. To multiply multiples of 10 by a 1 digit number. Who will lead the digits? Let’s use our PV hats. How can we make our number 10 times bigger? 1000s 100s 10s 1s Move it once to the left in the place value chart…and add in zero the hero!

L.O. To multiply multiples of 10 by a 1 digit number. Let’s count in 5’s… With your TPs, count in 50s. Write the answers on your WB. Who will lead and do the writing? counting stick

L.O. To multiply multiples of 10 by a 1 digit number. Who will lead the digits? Let’s use our PV hats to check our answers. 1000s 100s 10s 1s Move it once to the left in the place value chart…and add in zero the hero!

L.O. To multiply multiples of 10 by a 1 digit number. Use a multiplication grid to help you answer these questions… 3 × 50 =  6 × 30 =  40 × 3 =  8 × 20 =  5 × 60 =  90 × 3 =  2 × 70 =  4 × 60 =  6 × 90 =  8 × 60 =  40 × 6 =  8 × 90 =  60 × 7 =  7 × 90 =  3 × 70 =  90 × 9 =  With Miss. Use the multiplication tables to answer TB 1, page 29 Worksheet- Use the counting strips to help you. Worksheet- Use the counting strips to help you.

Have we been successful today? L.O. To multiply multiples of 10 by a 1 digit number. Have we been successful today? Think of as many multiplication calculations as you can with an answer of 200. E.g. 4x50=200

Lesson 3 L.O. To divide by 2. Number generator

L.O. To use the grid method for multiplication. I can multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. I can multiply a 2 digit number by 2 and 5. I can multiply a teen number by 2 and 5.

How did I solve this multiplication? What steps did I have to take? L.O. To use the grid method for multiplication. With your TPs… How did I solve this multiplication? What steps did I have to take?

How can we solve this calculation? What’s already been done for us? L.O. To use the grid method for multiplication. How can we solve this calculation? What’s already been done for us? What should we do next?

L.O. To use the grid method for multiplication. How can we solve this calculation? What’s the first step we should take? What do we do next?

What steps do we need to take to be successful? L.O. To use the grid method for multiplication. What steps do we need to take to be successful?

Use a multiplication table and worksheet to answer L.O. To use the grid method for multiplication. Use a multiplication grid in your HSCB to help you answer TB1, Page 30. Questions 1-14. Use a multiplication table and worksheet to answer TB1, Page 30. Questions 1-8 Use the multiplication tables and your grids to answer the questions: 13 x 2 = 6. 19 x 2 = 15 x 2 = 7. 15 x 5 = 11 x 5 = 8. 11 x 2 = 12 x 2 = 9. 15 x 5 = 18 x 5 = 10. 14 x 2 = With Miss Worksheet- Use the counting strips to help you.

Have we been successful today? L.O. To use the grid method for multiplication. Have we been successful today? Beat the teacher… 24x3=

L.O. To find number bonds to 100. Lesson 4 L.O. To find number bonds to 100. Pairs to 100

L.O. To use the grid method for multiplication. I can explain how I solved my calculation. I can multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. I can multiply a teen number by 2 and 5.

L.O. To use the grid method for multiplication. Can you spot my mistake? 38x2= X 30 8 2 12 16 =27 Look at your work from yesterday. Did you make any mistakes? How can you correct this?

Now try these with your TPs. Remember to draw your grid. L.O. To use the grid method for multiplication. Now try these with your TPs. Remember to draw your grid. X

Use a multiplication grid to help you answer these questions… L.O. To use the grid method for multiplication. Use a multiplication grid to help you answer these questions… TB1, Page 31. Questions 1-12. Use the multiplication tables and grids to answerTB1, Page 31. Questions 1-8. With Miss Use the multiplication tables to help you. Use the counting strips and your grids, answer these questions: 13 x 2 = 15 x 5 = 16 x 2 = 12 x 5 = 18 x 2 =

Times Table Challenge! 8 minutes Ready… Steady… GO! Timer

L.O. To use multiplication to solve a problem. I can write calculations to show my workings. I can draw diagrams to show my workings. I can use repeated addition to multiply.

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How many of each creature could there have been? L.O. To use multiplication to solve a problem. Altogether we counted 12 legs. How many of each creature could there have been? Number of Pentagators Number of Duosauruses Total number of legs 2 x 5 = 10 1 x 2 = 2 12 legs = 12 legs