Melissa Foote, Kristin Haberkern, Tyler Hone Other Animals Melissa Foote, Kristin Haberkern, Tyler Hone
Pigs Pig skin serves as a temporary bandage that protects patients from infection and allows humans to generate skin Development of CAT scan Used for studies of heart surgery and anesthesia Valves from pig hearts have been implanted into humans as replacement
Sheep Allowed surgeons to perfect the implant of the arteriovenous shunt (a device that helps people with kidney failure) Helped with understanding and treatment of problems during human pregnancy Also helping understand and treat problems in infants soon after birth
Ferrets Have been used in the study of influenza viruses Have been used in the study of other viral diseases
Woodchucks Helped understand human liver cancer Humans and woodchucks have similar hepatitis viruses, and researchers have found a correlation between hepatitis B and liver cancer
Armadillo Only animal that leprosy bacillus grows other then primates and mice Test vaccines for leprosy Looking for preventative treatment in areas of the world for leprosy using armadillos
Guinea Pigs Guinea pig means “research subject” Used in nutritional studies Used in studies of Vitamin C deficiency
Lobsters Used to study motor coordination Used to treat syphilis, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s chorea's Lobsters only have 30 neurons, and this allows researchers to pinpoint to study the electrical and chemical exchanges in the nervous system
Chinchillas Used in treating childhood middle-ear infections Used to study hearing loss from the exposure to loud noises
Electric Eels Used in neurobiological studies for the human nervous system Important for the study of bioelectrical and chemical spheres in the human nervous system
Opossums Used to study early organ and system development such as central nervous system and immune system Used to study the esophagus Used to study endocarditis
Anglerfish Used to study Langerhans (produce insulin and other hormones)
Axolotl Used to manipulate heart cells to divide in a dish Used to study how heart-cell division is possible and apply to humans
Slugs Used in studying human short-term and long- term memory Used in studying character growth processes
Pigeons Used to study coronary heart disease
Fish Used in biomedical research Used for study of electrolyte regulation, genetics, bacterial disease, and water pollution Goldfish- neurological and vision studies Rainbow trout- liver cancer Sharks- cancer Tropical fish- skin tumors, melanormas
Endangered Animals Taken from the world and not used for research but research is being conducted toward their preservation In the areas of reproduction (embryo transfer)