ONE STOP SHOP: THE CONCEPT An investment facilitation strategy where relevant government agencies are brought to one location, coordinated and streamlined to provide prompt, efficient and transparent services to investors Aimed at simplifying and shortening of procedures and guidelines for issuance of business approvals, permits and authorizations thereby, removing bottlenecks faced by investors in establishing and running businesses.
KEY PRINCIPLES OF OSS C – Convenience E – Efficiency S – Simplicity The O.S.S is guided by the following principles: C – Convenience E – Efficiency S – Simplicity S – Speed T – Transparency
TYPES OF SERVICES (FIRST PHASE) Business incorporation and Registration Facilitating of Approvals - Permits and Licenses Provision of investment information
WHAT ONE STOP SHOP DOES; Substantially reduces the cost of doing business Ensures FDI, DDI and Investor Tracking Simplifies procedural steps Shortens service delivery time (business registration and establishment). It takes 72hours and 24 hours to incorporate a business in Egypt and Ethiopia respectively.
WHAT ONE STOP SHOP DOES; (cont’d) Ensures Transparency Provides adequate investment information to investors Ensures close and professional working relationship among government agencies to meet the needs of investors Triggers and fast tracks public sector reform which would ultimately result in structurally more attractive investment environment
THE NEED FOR O.S.S To address administrative bottlenecks To reduce high cost of doing business To eliminate dealing with multiple Agencies To eliminate use of discretion and lack of transparency in granting approvals, licenses, permits, etc To eliminate over-bureaucratization in procedures and processes To do away with poor service delivery
FEATURES OF OSS Kenyan Model: “Hybrid of approving & facilitating OSS Framework” Participating agencies maintain existing mandates and responsibilities within the structure of the OSS Only statutory provisions are administered at the OSS and not special applications streamlining and coordinating operations of Agencies to deliver highest service standards The OSS serves both Foreign and local Investors
FEATURES OF OSS (cont’d) KenInvest coordinates and provides frontline services under the OSS service Agencies establishing presence in phases at the OSS The approval time of 24hours for business entry approvals being explored The OSS covers investments into all sectors of the economy
FEATURES OF OSS (cont’d) All participating agencies have reviewed, re-engineered and streamlined their procedures and requirements to attain set standards A monitoring mechanism has been put in place to track processes and ensure compliance with service standards Single Payment Management System to be put in place to facilitate payment of fees.
COMMENCEMENT OF BUSINESS Process of OSS/MODEL ENQUIRY/INFORMATION PROCESSING PAYMENTS COMMENCEMENT OF BUSINESS Registration & Incorporation Investor Payments (Commercial Bank) Collection of Approvals/Licenses Post Establishment Services OSS Front Office Business Approvals & Licenses Advisory Services
PARTICIPATING MINISTRIES/AGENCIES Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest) Ministry of Immigration and Registration of Persons Ministry of Environment County Government of Nairobi Ministry of Land “Lawyers” Department of Tourism Federation of Kenya Employers Kenya Power Export Processing Zones Authority
CONCLUSION The Success of the One Stop Shop Process has depended largely on the ability of all the Ministries and agencies involved in investment facilitation to work together harmoniously to meet the needs of investors.