Unit 2 Text Fool’s Paradise
I. Title Fool’s paradise – a state of delusive contentment or false hope, a state of illusion 虚幻的乐境,幻想
II. Author Isaac Bashevis Singer was born on July 24, 1904 in Radzymin, Poland. He was one of the great storytellers of the twentieth century. His writing is a unique blend of religious morality and social awareness combined with an investigation of personal desires. Though his work often took the form of parables (寓言) or tales based on a nineteenth century tradition, he was deeply concerned with the events of his time and the future of his people and their culture.
By the 1970s, he had become a major international writer By the 1970s, he had become a major international writer. After World War II there were few Yiddish (意第绪语的,依地语,<俚>犹太人的) writers remaining but Singer was the major figure in Yiddish letters. His major two novels were The Penitent (1974) and Shosha (1978). The same year as his publication of Shosha, Singer won the Nobel Prize in literature
III. Structure Part I (para. 1- 5) ─ Atzel bacame psychologically ill – imagining that he was dead. Part II (para. 6 – 4rd para. from end of text) – the process to cure Atzel of his illness Part III (last three paras) – Atzel and Aksah lived a happy life & educated their children to study & work hard.
IV. Text Analysis cautionary – giving or serving as a warning;admonitory 警告的;告诫的 a cautionary tale; cautionary advice 警诫性的事件;忠告 only – alone in kind or class; sole household – a domestic unit consisting of the members of a family who live together along with non-relatives such as servants 家庭 take for granted – to consider as true, real, or forthcoming
What illness did the young man suffer from? He was psychologically ill, imagining that he was dead. Why did he want to go to paradise so much? Because he was lazy by nature, he didn’t like to study and work hard. Paradise was just the place where one has no duties.
reserve – keep back, as for future use or for a special purpose take over – assume the control or management of fast – eat very little or abstain from certain foods, especially as a religious discipline bewildered – confused satin – 缎子,绸缎 shutter – furnish or close with shutters 装上百叶窗或以百叶窗关闭
Why were the parents terribly frightened and the young man so happy? Because the parents were afraid that their son would be really buried. The young man was happy that he was gong to paradise soon. He slept through it. What doe ‘it’ refer to? The funeral ceremony
drapery – a piece or pieces of heavy fabric hanging straight in loose folds, used as a curtain 垂悬的、有褶皱的成块密织物,用作帷帘 pomegranate – [植]石榴 persimmon – 柿子 goblet – 高脚玻璃杯, 酒杯 ravenously – extremely eagerly 大嚼地 canopy – a covering, usually of cloth华盖,天篷 roll - a small rounded portion of bread 面包卷
saint – a person who has died and gone to heaven dwelling – house ponder – to weigh in the mind with thoroughness and care 仔细考量 mourn – feel or express grief or sorrow. to and fro – back and forth 来回地 yearn – to have a strong desire beside oneself – almost out of the senses 欣喜若狂 blindfold – to cover the eyes of with or as if with a bandage 蒙住眼睛
How about Atzel’s reaction after the servant told him so much about the paradise life? He got up and began to walk to and fro. For the first time in years he wanted to do sth. and missed his parents and his girl friend so much. Why did Atzel want to leave the paradise immediately? Because life there was boring and meaningless.
V. Writing style – 3rd-person narration VI. Questions (1) What do you think of Atzel & life in paradise? (2) What kind of life would you like to have? VII. Ex. about the text VIII. Reading skills VIIII. Homework (1) Fast Reading Passages (2) Home Reading Passage (3) Preview Unit 3