Vocabulary List 2
Laconic Larry’s Laconic speech irritated his wife to no end—she wanted him to respond with more than “Yes, dear.”
Using few words in speech or writing Laconic Using few words in speech or writing
Mire We trudged through the mire created by yesterday’s hard rain, fearing that our brand new shoes were already ruined.
Mire Thick and deep mud.
Nominal The Queen of the respected country had little to no real power, so she was often referred to as the nominal head of state.
Nominal Existing as something in name only; not actual or real. Very small in amount.
Obtuse We assumed the young man was quite obtuse since he did not understand our directions; we later learned, however, that he was in medical school.
Obtuse Stupid or unintelligent; not able to think clearly or understand what is obvious or simple.
Pander Although we did not agree that the Simpsons Movie was worth watching, I pandered to my guests’ desires and popped it in the DVD player.
Pander To do or provide what someone wants or demands even though it is not proper, good, or reasonable.
Quandary I was in a quandary: should I go to the college I wanted and have to take out loans, or go to a cheaper school that I did not like?
A situation in which you are confused about what to do. Quandary A situation in which you are confused about what to do.
Rapport I quickly developed a rapport with my co-workers because I knew it would make working there much easier.
A friendly relationship Rapport A friendly relationship
Thwart Nobody could stop the evil villain, until Superman arrived to thwart his evil plan.
Thwart To prevent someone from doing something or to stop something from happening.
Urbane She was ever the urbane hostess of elegant dinner parties, poised and ready to please.
Polite and confident; fashionable and somewhat formal. Urbane Polite and confident; fashionable and somewhat formal.
Valor I could not pluck up the courage to approach the movie star, who himself had such valor in his most recent action film.
Valor Courage or bravery.