Staff Training and Development Unit The Importance of PDR and making it work
Aims of Session: Revisit the benefits of an effective Performance and Development Review Identify the critical factors in making PDR work Commit to at least one action to make the process more valuable this time round Consider the respective roles of reviewer and reviewee Staff Training and Development Unit
Firstly – feedback in response to core brief item Will initiated More structured and focussed for different staff groups – one size fits all not work? Links to training provision – how? Paperwork complicated, electronic process? Need for clear timescales, link with planning cycle? Follow up as an issue, mini reviews The voluntary/mandatory issue still confuses Links with other HR processes promotion, re-grading, reward? Refresher training/briefing for reviewers Some staff question the value Feedback from others in process – how and role of it Staff Training and Development Unit
Why – what should be the benefits Clarity of future focus – objectives, standards, alignment with bigger picture and enhanced performance Recognition, feedback and valuing of staff/achievements Supportingthe reviewee to be successful in their job and career Feedback and support in developing less successful aspects of work Clearer communications and quality of relationship reviewer/reviewee Actions to support being successful – training, wider experience, facilities, space – anything Consideration of future contribution and support in developing career Staff Training and Development Unit
How was your last PDR - Pairs: What worked? What didn't work? How effective was it? Summarise in one word? What were the critical factors resulting in it being effective or ineffective? Summarise in one word? Staff Training and Development Unit
Critical factors for Effective PDR Something happens as a result – its seen to do something Organised and systematic in the process and follow up – its well managed Style, approach and commitment of reviewer – its taken seriously Balance of meeting organisational and individual needs – Its focussed Reviewees aware of what the process is about, warmed up to it – its desired Recording and documentation processes followed – Its not forgotten It is seen as part of a wider process of management and support – it’s not a one off Senior staff totally engaged and exemplars in process – its role modelled Staff Training and Development Unit
AIM Role of the Reviewer Directive Assessment Reviewee Centred One way dialogue, Tends to ‘what you have done wrong’, Not engage reviewee, Telling approach Cosy chat, Lacks focus and link to context and University needs. All about the person, Laissez faire Shared responsibility Performance and Development University and Individual Backward and Forward Looking Balanced and Objective Staff Training and Development Unit
AIM Role of the Reviewee Active, involved Passive Let reviewer do majority of talking, Position self as one down – waiting to be told, Expect reviewer to know everything about them and their work Actively prepare – identify achievements and be honest about areas for development, Ask for recognition and feedback, Ask for things to support in job, Tell reviewer what is going on for them. Take an interest, take some control Staff Training and Development Unit