Westwood Intermediate Information Session Spring Lake Park Westwood Intermediate Information Session February 24, 2015
Westwood Office Staff Tom Larson – Principal Tyler Nelson – Associate Principal Marge Zobitz – Dean of Students Mary Schultz– Principal’s Assistant Fiorella Ball- Clerical Paraprofessional Whitney Woodford – School Nurse
Grade 4 Teachers Team A Looping Team B Ollie Major Kyle Fritze Team A Looping Team B Ollie Major Kyle Fritze Mary Larson Sue Byl Rachel Phillips Dani Larson Megan Owens Courtney Kohn Josie Reece Team C Team D Andrea Peterson Shawn Arlt Crystal Daugherty Christy West Rupal Dave’
Support Staff Academic Specialists English Language Learners (EL) Special Education Paraprofessionals
Why 4/5? Focus on developmental age Focused staff development Ease of transition to middle school Equity of services Maintain class size ratios
What Student Leadership Opportunities are Available? Patrols Student Council Peaceful Problem Solvers
Academic Core Subject Grade 4 Grade 5 Language Arts 60 plus 60 Math 75 minutes Regular 4 Honors 4/5 Accelerated 5/6 Regular 5 Honors 5/6 Accelerated 6/7 Social Studies 45 / half year Geography US History Science Sound/Electricity Space STEM Landforms Matter Levers and Pulleys Environments Adaptations Specials 45 min. / day 2 PE / Mu / Art 45 min. per day Band and Choir optional
Schedules Each team has the same schedule A team functions as a grade level Field trips Lunch / Recess
How do we meet your child at his/her level? With a team approach, we have numerous support systems in place for student success. Classroom interventions and extensions Struggling Learners – Academic Specialists/Title 1/Special Ed./EL Gifted & Talented Services – Cluster / Leveled interventions in reading / Creativity Fest / Young Authors / Competitions
What is the student placement process? Parent Input Forms Grade 3 teachers place on teams Westwood Intermediate Staff places in classrooms August notification prior to open house through Parent Portal account
What is Looping? 2 years with same team / teacher / classmates Teacher knows your child well Can start right in at the beginning of the year
How do we prepare students to transition to Westwood Intermediate? May Field trip to WWI for a student-led tour Evening open house for families May 31 – Invitation to our end of year picnic with inflatables and hot dog dinner Open House / Curriculum Night in the fall