Reviewing the Principles Techniques of CLL Lecture # 15
REVIEW OF THE LAST LECTURE Who would give me summary of the last lecture?
Goals of Teacher using CLL Method To help learners use target language communicatively. To help students know about their own learning. To have teaching learning process in non-defensive manner. ( this can be done when SS and TT treat each other as a whole person)
Role of the teacher and Students Teacher’s role: Counselor : he skillfully handles the situations. Student’s role: Initially dependent upon the teacher; client of the counselor Learner becomes independent after sometime, if he continues studying. CLL suggests five stages from dependency to independency. During stage iv the roles switch. The student no longer needs the teacher’s encouragement and absolute sense of security.
Characteristics of teaching/learning process Stage-1: Conversation Later, transcript is made of the conversation The transcript becomes the text. Various activities are done which include: grammar, pronunciation etc. Allowing students to explore more language.
Characteristics of teaching/learning process Curran six elements necessary for non-defensive learning. The first one is security Aggression; ss should be given opportunity to assert themselves Attention: Reflection Retention Discrimination; sorting out differences among target language forms
Nature of student-teacher interaction; Nature of Student-student interaction Student- teacher interaction changes with the lesson and overtime. Sometime students are aggressive; teacher facilitates them in the target language. The teacher removes himself from the conversation’ he just helps student move on in conversation. Rardin is of the view that CLL is neither student-centered nor teacher centered, but rather teacher-student centered, with both being decision makers in the class. Relation building is encouraged in this approach for non- defensive learning.
Students’ feelings Students’ feelings are considered important in this method. Inviting students to comment on how do they feel while the teacher understands how they feel. Students’ security is provided by using their native language in the class.
How is language/culture viewed? Language is for communication Curran believes that learning is persons Both the teacher and the taught agree to trust one another and the learning process. The focus shift from grammar and sentence formation to a “sharing and belonging between persons” Curran also believes that language is to develop creative thinking; culture is integrated with language.
Areas of Language; Language Skills In the early stages, students design the syllabus; Later teacher can also……. Pronunciation, grammar point, vocabulary are worked based on the language students have generated.
Role of Students’ Native Language SS’ security is enhanced by using their native language. Where possible, literal native language translations are also given to the target language words that have been transcribed. Later stages more and more target language is used. Meaning are cleared through pantomimes as well.
How is Evaluation accomplished? No particular mode of evaluation is prescribed in the CLL Method. A teacher-made classroom would focus on integrative test rather than a discrete-point one. Students would be asked to writer a paragraph or be given an interview.
How does teacher respond to Student errors? Teacher work with the learners in non-threatening way. Teacher repeats correctly what the student has said incorrectly.
Reviewing the Techniques: Tape Recording Student Conversation Transcription Reflection on Experience
Reviewing the Techniques: Reflective Listening Human Computer Small Group Tasks
Summary Who would give me summary?