Flint Hills Map Exhibit Unit: Your County Map - Activity
Your County Map Activity: Create an outline map of your county
Example of Local Landmark: North of Cottonwood Falls, Kansas is the Cottonwood Falls bridge and dam. The 1st dam at this site was constructed of cottonwood logs in 1860, which provided water power for a saw and grist mill. In 1906 the dam was expanded and used to generate electricity. The present dam is constructed from cut limestone which was later covered with concrete.
Cedar Point Mill, Chase County Example: early water-powered mill Cedar Point Mill, Chase County
Rural Water Districts – find out if you are in a rural water district - http://krwa.net/GIS/damit.asp
WATERSHED DISTRICTS Chase County crosses 6 watersheds, including Upper Walnut River, Upper Verdigris, Fall,Neosho Headwaters, Upper Cottonwood, and the Lower Cottonwood. Local Watershed Districts – find map for your county at: https://www.k-state.edu/waterlink/current_projects/Chase.htm