A Rising Tide of Protest and Violence Chapter 10 Section 2 A Rising Tide of Protest and Violence
Resistance Against Fugitive Slave Act Graphic Organizer * Read pages 330-334 and create a Concept Web of the effects of the Fugitive Slave Act. Maker sure to include facts about the following: -abolitionists -Harriet Tubman -personal liberty laws -Harriet Beecher Stowe -free African Americans -Martin Delany -’Christiana Riot’ -Underground Railroad
The Kansas-Nebraska Act Undoes the Missouri Compromise - 1854, a bill was proposed to set up a government in the Nebraska Territory based on popular sovereignty - many southerners feared it would join as a free state and so the bill was amended * It divided the region into two territories- Kansas and Nebraska *Kansas would become a slave state and Nebraska would be a free state *Complete Map Skills on page 335*
A Battle Rages in “Bleeding Kansas” Two Governments Are Established - proslavery settlers set up a government near the border of Missouri - northern abolitionists also rushed into Kansas *By 1856, Kansas had two governments petitioning for statehood
A Battle Rages in “Bleeding Kansas” page 336 Violence Grips the Territory *Why was this territory characterized as “Bleeding Kansas?” *What role did John Brown have in this characterization?