Let's talk …..the value of real conversation. IATEFL 2015 candyvanolst@virginmedia.com
EFFECTIVE LANGUAGE CONTROL ALLOWS US TO Think more clearly and critically Conduct logical and thorough research Evaluate evidence critically See multiple perspectives Express ideas coherently and accurately Collaborate meaningfully with others Lead and be led
WHAT CONVERSATION DOES Builds language, vocabulary and enhances fluency Develops communication skills Builds critical thinking skills Promotes empathy and respect for others Fosters self-discovery the development of voice.
FIVE CORE SKILLS FOR ENRICHING CONVERSATION Elaborating and clarifying – using analogy and comparison Supporting ideas with examples from experience and other external sources Building on and/or challenging the ideas of others through really listening Paraphrasing– say using other words Synthesising or summarising what has been said to demonstrate understanding.
Grammar should be taught: To increase power, opportunity and voice; To teach habits of fluency, inquiry and experimentation; To engage students in such a way that this knowledge and these habits are sustaining and flexible Ehrenworth and Vinton
HIGH YIELD GRAMMAR Complex Sentences using relative clauses using subordinating conjunctions Transitions and Connectors cause and effect U-turn clauses to compare and contrast sequencing Hedging, qualifying, softening and expressing uncertainty
TEACHERLY SKILLS Pause – thinking time and time to elicit a paraphrase or elaboration Ask in-depth and challenging questions – 'why' and 'how', not just 'who' and 'what' Prompt with connectors to encourage expansion Listen actively – using phatic language and appropriate body language. Note non-verbal cues signalling misunderstanding, agreement, disagreement or desire to speak.
HAVING CONVERSATIONS TEACHES US TO: Share the conversation space Think critically and creatively Deal satisfactorily with conflict and controversy Recognise and reduce ambiguity Transfer knowledge and skills and Take ownership of ideas and opinions expressed in the conversation.
ACADEMIC CONVERSATIONS Jeff Zwiers and Marie Crawford Stenhouse Publishers 2011