Heliophysics Pedigree Program Start 1st International Polar Year 1882 2nd International Polar Year 1932 International Geophysical Year 1957 International Quiet Sun Year 1964 International M'spheric Study 1976 Solar-Terr. Energy Program 1990 International Heliospheric Year 2007
IPY 1 1882-1883 Justification Polar expeditions should be driven by scientific research instead of exploration. Establish network of circumpolar stations. Synoptic studies of geomagnetism, auroras, atmospheric electricity, and meteorology. Common data format for recording observations. Karl Weyprect (1838-1881)
IPY 1 1882-1883 Justification Polar expeditions should be driven by scientific research instead of exploration. Establish network of circumpolar stations. Synoptic studies of geomagnetism, auroras, atmospheric electricity, and meteorology. Common data format for recording observations. Karl Weyprect (1838-1881)
Birkeland Connects Auroras to Space It seems to be a natural consequence of our points of view to assume that the whole of space is filled with electrons and flying electric ions of all kinds. — Kristian Birkeland 1913
Concepts Advanced or Enabled by IPY 1 Auroral oval structure and dynamics Currents flowing in the upper atmosphere produce magnetic perturbations on the ground Currents flow between upper atmosphere and space i.e. Synoptic data reveal global connectedness
IPY 2 1932-1933 Justification Statement of the IMO "magnetic, auroral and meteorological observations at a network of stations in the Arctic and Antarctic would materially advance present knowledge and understanding (of geomagnetic, auroral, and meteorological phenomena) not only within polar regions but in general…This increased knowledge will be of practical application to problems connected with terrestrial magnetism, marine and aerial navigation, wireless telegraphy and weather forecasting." Themes: synoptic studies & space weather
IPY 2 Results Silsbee and Vestine use IPY 2 polar magnetic data to determine average current system for magnetic bay
Also During IPY 2 Chapman and Ferraro introduce concept of neutral ionized corpuscular steam from the sun (1931-1933) and an associated current system that compresses and confines the geomagnetic field (the Chapman-Ferraro current system)
Features and Concepts Associated with IPY 2 International polar observing network New instrumentation (radiosondes and ionosondes) Rapid run magnetometers Simultaneous measurements at multiple stations Global current pattern for specific magnetic disturbance (magnetic bays) i.e. Expanded synoptic data Higher spatial and temporal resolution More evidence of global connectedness
Emphasis on exploration IGY 1957-1958+ Justification Sydney Chapman (1888-1970) "The [IGY's] main aim is to learn more about the fluid envelope of our planet—the atmosphere and oceans—over all the earth and at all heights and depths. … These researches demand widespread simultaneous observations." S. Chapman i.e. Further expanded synoptic studies – Emphasis on exploration
IGY Instrumentation and Innovations Antarctic stations All-sky cameras Scientific satellites Word Data Centers
IGY Famous Result From all-sky camera data came the Akasofu model of the auroral substorm
Even More Famous Result From Explorer 1 and its followers, came the Van Allen radiation belts
Innovation and Reults Associated with IGY Interhemispheric network of polar stations New instrumentation (all-sky cameras, satellites) Major discovery (radiation belts) New concepts (the magnetosphere, substorms) Exploration of space Global 3D synoptic data Evidence of time-dependent global dynamics
IMS 1976-1979 Justification 1977 IMS Report "Many new questions have emerged, mainly concerning the cause-and-effect relationship among the dynamical processes … and involving the magnetosphere as a single, integral, dynamical system." 1971 IMS Report: "The complexity and the large spatial scale of the phenomena under scrutiny demand … simultaneous measurements…both in space and on the ground." Expanded synoptic data acquisition justified by "large spatial scale" (as before) and "complexity" (new). The magnetosphere seen as an interconnected system.
IMS Instrumentation and Innovations Magnetometer chains ISEE 1 and ISEE 3 Satellite Situation Center Coordinated Data Analysis Workshops (CDAW 1 Dec. 1978)
IMS Famous Discovery Flux Transfer Events (FTEs) (Russell and Elphic, 1978)
Most significant IMS finding Magnetosphere and ionosphere linked through permanent set of macroscale, field-aligned current systems Iijima & Potemra, 1976 Region 1 Region 2 The region 1 current system links the ionosphere, the magnetosphere, and the solar wind Solar wind-magnetosphere- ionosphere system seen as interactive.
STEP 1990-1997 Justification Concept The 1988 report "Framework for Action" states the "main scientific goal is to advance the quantitative understanding of the coupling mechanisms that are responsible for the transfer of energy and mass from one region of the solar-terrestrial system to another." It continues: "The program will involve coordinated observations with instruments on the ground, in the air and in space; theory and simulation studies; and data and information systems." i.e. Coordinated, integrated, comprehensive 3D synoptic and modeling projects
What IPY, IGY, etc. Programs Did IPY 1 Synoptic obs network of polar stations IPY 2 Add third dimension IGY Add Antarctica and space IQSY Add solar min. to IGY solar max. IMS Add SSC and CDAWs STEP Add numerical modeling IHY Add comparative heliospheric studies IPY 1 Map the phenomena IPY 2 Explore upper atmosphere IGY Explore space IQSY Complement IGY IMS Study system complexity STEP Study integrated interactive system IHY Universalize heliospheric structures and processes Organize & coordinate data gathering & analysis Provide thematic emphases Justify resource allocations under program themes
Justification for Heliophysics Objectives “It cannot be emphasized too strongly that the development of a solid understanding of the magnetic activity, occurring in so many forms in so many circumstances in the astronomical universe, can be achieved only by coordinated study of the various forms of activity that are accessible to quantitative observation in the solar system.” E. Parker Cosmical Magnetic Fields “Someone should be studying the whole system, however crudely that has to be done, because no gluing together of partial studies of a complex nonlinear system can give a good idea of the behavior of the whole." Murray Gell-Mann
Heliospheric Plasma Physics A Universal Science I. Division of the Universe Gravitationally organized matter: Gravity pulls matter - creates planets, stars, galaxies Magnetically organized matter: Magnetic fields push matter – create sunspots and magnetospheres Tension between them creates solar and magnetospheric storms – space weather
Astronomy Heliophysics Organization of the Universe Space Weather
Chapters and Headings in Heliophysics Heliophysics A Universal Science
TRACE Image of reconnection Reconnection Geometry Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission TRACE Image of reconnection in the corona Same absolute scale in both pictures
What the Heliophysics Program Can Do Organize & coordinate data gathering & analysis Comparative heliophsical studies Provide thematic emphases (move from mission focus to general heliophysical concepts and processes) Universalize heliophysical structures and processes Justify resource allocations for initiatives (e.g. space weather and comparative studies) CDF for comparative heliophysical studies Web accessible data and models (CCMC) CDAWs for comparative heliophysical studies
What the Heliophysics Program Can Do Organize & coordinate data gathering & analysis Comparative heliophsical studies Provide thematic emphases (move from mission focus to general heliophysical concepts and processes) Universalize heliophysical structures and processes Justify resource allocations for initiatives (e.g. space weather and comparative studies) CDF for comparative heliophysical studies Web accessible data and models (CCMC) CDAWs for comparative heliophysical studies
Chapters and Headings in Heliophysics Heliophysics A Universal Science