Southampton SEND Pathfinder


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Presentation transcript:

Southampton SEND Pathfinder Dr Julia Katherine Principal Educational Psychologist and joint SEND Pathfinder Lead 1

Southampton SEND Pathfinder Governance Structure Solent NHS Trust Business Development & Innovation Committee NHS Southampton City Maternity & Child Health QIPP board Southampton City Council Children’s Services & Learning Senior Management Board Links and shared learning with other local forums Links and shared learning with National Pathfinder (SQW & MM) SEND Pathfinder Steering Group Representation from Education, Health, Social Care, and Parents CYPDS Operational Management Board Representation from Education, Health and Social Care Task & Finish Groups: Integrated Assessment and Single Plan Personal Budgets Vulnerable Children Local Offer 2

Southampton SEND Pathfinder Workstreams Integrated Assessment and Single Education Health and Care Plan (0-25 process) Personal Budgets Vulnerable Children Local Offer Workforce Development

Southampton SEND Pathfinder How do we currently support C/YP with SEN & Disabilities?

Southampton SEND Pathfinder Children and Young People’s Development Service New integrated model of working across specialist education, health and care services in Southampton A single point of entry for children and young people - CYPDS Decision Panel meeting once a week to agree Integrated Assessments Virtual service with a ‘Team around the child’ approach to deliver Education, Health and Care Plans Health and social care currently jointly commissioned – plans to include education from April 2013 Education Social Care Health

Southampton SEND Pathfinder Children and Young People’s Development Service Includes professionals from education, health, and care services Clinical Psychologists Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service staff Community Paediatricians Community Support Workers Community Children’s Nurses Educational Psychologists Early Years Support Teachers Learning Disability Nurses Jigsaw Occupational Therapists Physiotherapists Portage Home Visitors SEN Officers SEN Personal Advisers SEN Coordinators Social Workers Specialist Teacher Advisers Speech and Language Therapists

Southampton SEND Pathfinder Children and Young People’s Development Service The following groups of children/young people will be eligible for an integrated assessment and an Education, Health and Care Plan: Children and young people who are currently eligible for a statement of SEN Children who are not yet of school age, but who are likely to be eligible for a statement of SEN once they reach school age Children and young people who have both complex health needs and complex social care needs

Southampton SEND Pathfinder Relationship with universal, targeted and specialist services CENTRAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS One central assessment process Child/young person/family at the centre Single suite of assessment documents common to education, health and care services All assessments resulting in EHC Plan FLEXIBILITY TO MOVE ACROSS SERVICES AS APPROPRIATE STATUTORY CYPDS INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT TARGETED UNIVERSAL PLUS UNIVERSAL

Southampton SEND Pathfinder Integrated model of assessment and planning Phase 1: Preparation and consideration (e.g. First assessment team meeting) Phase 2: Listen and understand (e.g. Home visits, classroom observation) Children, young people and families are central throughout the process Phase 5: Monitor and review (e.g. First review meeting) Phase 3: Analyse and Synthesize (e.g. Final assessment team meeting) Phase 4: Agree and Allocate (e.g. Bring EHC plan back to Decision Panel) 9

Southampton SEND Pathfinder Key roles in the process Assessment Co-ordinators (SEN Officers, Senior Practioners, Learning Disability Nurses) Single point of contact for families throughout assessment process Co-ordinate Assessment Team timetable Convene Assessment Team meetings Lead Professionals (A wide range of professions, someone known to the family) Single point of contact for families for the duration of their EHC Plan Co-ordinate support on EHC Plan Convene EHC Plan reviews

Southampton SEND Pathfinder Integrated Assessment of Need (IAN) ‘One and only’ (family-owned record) Universal Record Universal Plus Targeted Assessment Statutory Assessments Education Health and Care Plan

Southampton SEND Pathfinder Education, Health and Care Plan Child/Young Person Name: Address: Contact number: DOB: Setting/school/college: Date of Completion: Date of first EHC Plan: NHS No: PARIS No: Parent/Carer Who has parental responsibility: Assessment Coordinator/Lead professional (name, job title, location and contact number)

Support for Children & Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Southampton

Southampton SEND Pathfinder Visions becoming reality - Tom and his family This is Tom, he is 2 ½ years old Due to a premature birth he has Chromosome deletion resulting in: Hearing difficulties Vision difficulties Epilepsy Unsafe swallow Profound & multiple needs After he was born he stayed in hospital for 6 months before he was able to come home. This is Tom’s Family They were very shocked when Tom was born early. Their primary concerns are: Maintaining his gastrostomy tube feed (safety) Accessing continence resources Having ideas for play at home Respite to gain a good night’s sleep Time for siblings Thinking about where Tom might go to pre-school Conflicting appointments Having to tell services their story over and over again Eye Unit Community Childrens Nurse Health Surveillance Checks Therapy Assessments Epilepsy Nurse Continence Nurse Short Breaks Assessment New-Born Hearing Check Initial Assessment Health Visitor Neurology consultant Ophthalmology consultant Continence Assessment Paediatric Assessments CCN Assessments Specialist Teachers – Hearing and Vision Social Care Core Assessment Respite services Child Development Unit Portage Assessments Portage Community Paediatrician

Southampton SEND Pathfinder Tom and his EHC Plan Application made by Community Paediatrician for an Integrated Assessment and EHC Plan Timely reviews ensure the EHC plan continues to meet Tom’s needs Key transition points anticipated and planned for (for example; when Tom starts pre-school) Single point of contact for Tom’s family during assessment stage More choice and control for Tom and his family about the services and how they are delivered (for example; Direct Payments) Health, Education and Social Care Professionals co-ordinating assessments to gain a better, holistic understanding of Tom’s needs Tell us once approach “All about me” owned by Tom and his family Outcome focused planning in partnership with Tom and his family Clear EHC plan of support for Tom in place PRIOR to entering education Lead Professional role identified to support Tom and his family for the duration of his EHC plan

Southampton SEND Pathfinder What has gone well? Sustainable model Builds on current good practice Builds on current workforce Model can be scaled up Good buy-in from all agencies Qualitatively different to previous way of working Shifted focus on partnership working with families Will enable wider whole system change

Southampton SEND Pathfinder What has not gone as well? Capacity within the workforce People unlearning current practice Restrictions of the current financial climate Understanding the task and ensuring our joint commissioning reflects this

Southampton SEND Pathfinder