Faithful believers rule with Christ forever. Will we be faithful?
In the early Church, there were some realities that were so much a part of their thinking, they became “faithful sayings”, things one could depend on. Let’s look at one today. 2 Timothy 2:11-13
First, let’s look at the certainties, what we will call “A Truths” 2:11 Salvation Truth A 2:12a Discipleship Truth B 2:12b Discipleship Truth B 2:13 Salvation Truth A First, let’s look at the certainties, what we will call “A Truths”
“A Truth”: Certainty #1 – 2 Tim. 2:11 “This is a faithful saying: For if we died with Him We shall also live with Him” All believers have died with Christ Rom. 6:2-7; Gal. 2:20; Col. 2:11-12, 20; 3:3 That’s a certainty!
“A Truth”: Certainty #1 – 2 Tim. 2:11 Since all believers were joined to Christ’s death and died with Him, all believers will live with Him. Rom. 6:4-8 Failure to believe, unfaithfulness, sinning, and any other imaginary issues do not and cannot change the reality God created.
“A Truth”: Certainty #2 – 2 Tim. 2:13 “If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.” God’s nature is such that He is faithful. That’s who He is and the way He is. Our lack of faithful living or failure to have faith (both covered by original word) does not change His faithfulness to us.
“A Truth”: Certainty #2 – 2 Tim. 2:13 Every other time the verb “faithless” is translated in the NT, it is translated “unbelieving”. Therefore, a better translation is probably, “if we are unbelieving”.
“A Truth”: Certainty #2 – 2 Tim. 2:13 That also is a certainty. So, even if we are unbelieving, He stays faithful to us because of who He is. That also is a certainty.
“A Truth”: Summary Since we have died with Christ, all believers will live with Him…period. Whether we stop having faith or don’t live faithfully does not negate the reality that God will stay faithful to us and to His promises, like the promise of eternal life.
“B Truth”: Will we endure? – 2 Tim. 2:12a “If we endure, We shall also reign with Him.” Reigning with Him is conditioned on enduring. Rev. 2:26-27; 3:21
“B Truth”: Will we endure? – 2 Tim. 2:12a We lose the reward of co-heirship when we become unfaithful. Ruling with Christ is a magnificent reward; losing it is a terrible price to pay.
“B Truth”: Will we deny? – 2 Tim. 2:12b “If we deny Him, He also will deny us.” Paul was taught by Jesus. No doubt, He was taught what the other Apostles were taught in the context of discipleship: Matthew 10:32-33
“B Truth”: Will we deny? – 2 Tim. 2:12b Denial may be verbal, but it also may be by the way we live. Titus 1:16 Our denial of Him leads to Him denying us the honor of reigning with Him. …just like the unfaithful servant in the parable of the Minas.
Faith is essential to endurance. Faith is essential to faithfulness. Hebrews 10:32-39 Faith is essential to endurance. Faith is essential to faithfulness. Faith is essential to God’s approval. (Hebrews 11:1-3; 6)
When I stop believing, I cease to be faithful. Hebrews A key source for understanding faith as it relates to ruling with Christ. When I stop believing, I cease to be faithful.
While I may walk away from my faith, I cannot walk away from His faithfulness. When I walk away from my faith, I lose the right to rule with Christ. When I permanently walk away from my faith, I make a decision that impacts my position in eternity, but not my presence.
Hebrews 3:7-14 We need to respond when we can respond v. 7-8 God gives us plenty of reasons to believe v. 9 We need to be cautious not to act off of emotion and circumstance instead of reality and what we know is true v. 9 If we don’t, our hearts become harder and so does believing
Hebrews 3:7-14 Acting on faith gives us tender, teachable hearts They saw what God was like and didn’t act on it vv. 9-10 Instead of learning, the acted on emotion and circumstance and made believing Him more difficult A darkness then covers our heart
Christians can and do develop “evil hearts of unbelief” Hebrews 3:12-14 Christians can and do develop “evil hearts of unbelief” Two things are critical: We need to act on what we know is true regardless of how we feel We need to encourage one another We need to take seriously the responsibility to help one another through challenging times
Faithful believers rule with Christ forever. Will we be faithful?