Cultural and Linguistic Competency District of Columbia No Wrong Door System Cultural and Linguistic Competency Background 2014: NWD planning process 2015: ACL awarded NWD implementation grant (2015-2018) Lead Agency: Department on Disability Services Partnering agencies: DBH, DCOA, DHS, DHCF, DMHHS Other Partners: ACL, DDC, GUCEDD, NASDDDS, NCCC, SDA, UMKC
DC No Wrong Door Initiative Vision The District envisions a coordinated “No Wrong Door” system, which is person/family centered and linguistically and culturally responsive that provides easier access to people with disabilities, older adults, and their families who are in need of Long-Term Supports and Services (government and community-based), regardless of the point of entry into the system. LTSS – Services and supports people may need in order to live well in the community. For people of all ages who need help with everyday tasks such as personal care, transportation, medical care, meal preparation, to name a few.
DC No Wrong Door Initiative Cultural and Linguistic Competence System Level Needs A defined and agreed upon cultural and linguistic framework Leadership to establish, implement, and monitor necessary policy directives for CLC Require consistency with best and promising CLC practices Identification of underserved populations and awareness of sub-cultures within any racial or ethnic group receiving services Georgetown University’s Center for Cultural Competence conducted a CLC analysis across 5 LTSS agencies for intake Examining, understanding, and responding to the broad range of individuals in the District who have communication needs as an overarching philosophy, which is undergirded by policy, structures, practices, and resources, makes for a cohesive and systematic approach to long-term services and supports. This applies to written documents, telecommunications including audio-recordings and voice prompts, websites, face-to-face interactions, and other modes of communication. Reference: Georgetown University National Center for Cultural Competence – Structured Interviews and Focus Groups on Embedding Cultural and Linguistic Competence into the NWD Project: Final Summary and Recommendations
DC No Wrong Door Initiative NWD Subcommittees Cultural and Linguistic Competency Info. Technology (future) Stakeholder Engagement (via Learning Community) Person-Centered Thinking Leadership Council designated representatives from the 5 core agency partners to participate in an inter-agency NWD/CLC subcommittee. It is co-led by DBH & DDS. Meets monthly Purpose: Advise and make recommendations to the NWD Leadership Council and NWD project management team on embedding cultural and linguistic competency as it relates to policies, practices, resources, and structures at the “front door” in accessing long term supports and services (LTSS). Partners: Georgetown University National Center for Cultural Competence (NCCC) and UMKC Inter-Agency Subcommittee Members: Dept. of Behavioral Health, Disability Services, Human Services, Office on Aging, Inter-Agency Council on Homelessness, Developmental Disabilities Council, Veterans Affairs, DPR
DC No Wrong Door Initiative Cultural and Linguistic Competence System Level Outcomes Shared Conceptual Framework and Definition for cultural and linguistic competency across LTSS agencies. Sustainable District policies, practices, and systems embedding cultural and linguistic competency across LTSS agencies. CLC guides, tools, resources, training, coaching to equip government staff Increase outreach and access to LTSS to underserved populations Challenge: CLS is a continuum that requires a significant amount of knowledge, awareness, and skills at the individual level and CLC policies, resources, and structures at the organizational level to support government staff to better support diverse populations in need of LTSS. Strategy: Focus on CLC capacity-building to support LTSS front door personnel and staff and by developing guiding documents and revising District agency policy, practices, and structures to embed CLC
Next steps with CLC subcommittee: Introduce the LifeCourse Principles Integrated STAR and LifeCourse Trajectory (Logic Model) for Strategic planning Use the STAR to identify what we have and what we need
We’ve begun to apply LifeCourse into Strategic Planning for embedding CLC. Helping us to reflect on how we are we thinking about strategies, policies, and supports? How can we achieve transformation change? What does success look like? Transformation change: Fundamental reordering of thinking, beliefs, culture, relationships, and behavior. Turns assumptions inside out and disrupts familiar rituals and structures Encourage co-creative partnerships Apply the LifeCourse principles: 3 buckets (discovery & navigation (info. education/skill building), connecting and networking, goods & services) The Vision is a good reminder of what we are working toward
Upcoming NWD/CLC Activities CLC Subcommittee meetings -- applying LifeCourse Principles CLC Subcommittee co-chairs participating in a CLC leadership training Leadership Council and Executive Leadership Engagement with CLC Collaboration with DC Supporting Families Community of Practice DC participating in National Cultural/Linguistic Community of Practice DC Intake Summit across 5 core NWD partner agencies (DDS, DBH, DHS, DHCF, DCOA)
THANK YOU! Vivian Guerra Lead, Outreach and Cultural/Linguistic Competency District of Columbia No Wrong Door Initiative Email: Phone: 202-615-9508 Website: