Electronic Entry of Student Hours effective 1/4/2015 How to get connected to inSite Home/My MAC Portal Site – click on: (located below e-mail Log in & Direct Link to log in page) Website - https://mtaloy.sdinsite.net Note There is no “www” in the address You can access site from anywhere if necessary (home, phone, ipad, College computer)
Logging in the first time Username Everything left of @ in MAC Student E-mail address bddst1@mtaloy.edu– Username is “bddst1” Password Last name + last 4 of your Social Security Number Omit any non-alpha characters or spaces (i.e. –hyphen name) doe1234 The first time you log in you will be asked to change your password. Enter your current password “doe1234” Enter your desired password twice Cannot be doe1234 (can’t be the default password – MUST change) Cannot be your username Must be at least 8 characters in length & Case Sensitive Criteria met message will appear
Things you can do in inSite Change Password (My Profile tab) View and/or Print Pay stub To view and print pay stubs: Login Click on the “Attendance & Pay stubs” tab The button at the top of the tab will open to the most recent pay stub Click the document icon in the “Pay stub” column below to view the pay stub for the pay date for which you are searching You can search for pay stubs using the search box or page to older pay stubs using the buttons in the bottom right corner Print Option- View Paystub First (3 Options): Mask Social Security Number (default) Show last four numbers Show Full (will ask for Password) Enter Time (Hours Worked per week)
Time Entry No time entered = Potentially NO Paycheck Processed Click on “Enter Time” tab in the menu bar Select the week you need to enter time for and click “Enter Student Time” Pay period weeks start on a Sunday – Pick the week for which you wish to enter time Left & Right arrow buttons move you back and forward in weeks Default is to enter one week at a time not showing weekends Change to two weeks at a time or display weekends using the Additional Options section This can be done Daily (recommendation) Weekly Start of following week EXTREMELY IMPORTANT –All Pay Period Hours MUST be entered by the SUNDAY evening following the pay period end date (ends on Jan 17th, enter no later than Jan 18th) No time entered = Potentially NO Paycheck Processed If a holiday falls on a Monday that electronic time entry is due, the entries must be completed by on the previous THURSDAY Evening (input anticipated hours if working that Friday) Following the deadlines will ensure timely processing by the payroll department and receipt of a paycheck.
Time Entry Continued In the time entry Enter time for actual dates & times worked only: Enter work code from drop down list Enter Department from drop down list (Work codes-FWS Only, Peer Tutoring & MAC Connection have Department defaults in place ) Enter Location from drop down list (i.e. Admissions) Check w/Supervisor if unsure Enter in and out times for hours worked (15 min increments) (USE AM/PM) (can have up to 4 lines per day for total hours worked per day) Add two additional lines for each day of the week using the button (if needed) Quick options Enter hours for Monday then use the button to fill out remaining days After all hours are entered, Click the “+ Add these entries” button to save
Time Entry continued Hours entered will appear at the top of the screen for the each day of the week/payperiod Can be reviewed Can be deleted (Hint: CANNOT EDIT – MUST Delete and re-enter!) Can view the status of the entry Entered: You have made the entry (open circle) Approved: Your supervisor has reviewed and approved the entry. At this point, you can view but not make any changes.(solid green circle-only Supervisor can make changes) Rejected: Your supervisor has reviewed and rejected the entry (solid red circle) You should get a notice as to why but you need to communicate with your supervisor to find out details Exported: Sent to payroll for processing. (arrow icon)
Miscellaneous DON’T Give out your personal Log in information to anyone Click “Logout” in the menu bar when you are finished in inSITE The system will automatically log you out if you are inactive for more than 20 minutes You can save the site as a favorite/bookmark Direct Deposit is optional – if interested, contact the Human Resources department in the Admin Bldg, Room 204. To get help Contact your Supervisor then Contact Payroll (ext. 6413 or ext. 6410)