S3 Spinning Binary Black Hole Search: Status Report Gareth Jones Inspiral Group
Status Report Overview Dataset Phenomenological templates Probing the coverage of the template bank Injections and efficiency Tuning search parameters Vetoes Preliminary Open Box results Timeline for completion
Overview Searching S3 data of all LIGO ifos for spinning BBH/NS-BH binaries Data-set searched H1H2: 604hrs (17hrs) H1H2L1: 184hrs (56hrs) Filter with phenomenological templates (Buonanno, Chen and Vallisneri 2003) 3 dimensional template bank (masses and spin parameter)
Mass range of the template bank Test coverage of template bank using physically motivated simulated signals and LIGO design PSD Expected coverage ~ [1-3]x[6-15]Msol Systematic injection of simulated signals from spinning binaries (ACST, Kidder) Precession when L and S are misaligned Both bodies non-spinning: no precession Single body spinning: precession occurs
Mass range of the template bank Both bodies spinning: precession occurs Investigate some generic precessing signals As expected we recover injections best in non-equal mass regime Good coverage (Match>0.9) for [1- 3]x[12-20]Msol
Injections and efficiency Test efficiency of filter code using software injections of simulated signals throughout S3 data 10000 inj in H1,H2, 3000 inj in L1 [1-20]x[1-20]Msol 50% efficiency H1: 11.9Mpc H2: 3Mpc L1: 3.6 Mpc Efficiency = #found #found + #missed
Tuning search parameters We require coincident detection between 2 or more ifos Define coincident windows ∆t, ∆mass params (actually use non-physical params ) Tune these windows using software injections of simulated signals # ∆t = tH1- tH2 Difference in measured arrival time between H1 and H2 Estimated background Found injections
Vetoes Veto study carried out on H1:LSC- MICH_CTRL and L1:LSC-REFL_Q: unacceptably large deadtime H1H2 consistency check Noisy L1 detector: follow up study yielded no vetoes
Preliminary Open Box results Foreground consistent with background Number of triggers in zero lag consistent with number of triggers in individual time slides Loudest background triggers louder than loudest foreground ...but do see excess of events in H1H2 dataset in zero lag cf background rate. Similar to BBH search
Timeline for completion June 20th: Final open box plots and paper writing Mid-July: Begin code review Follow up of loudest zero lag triggers, may assist future veto studies (cf S3 BBH search) Upper limit calculation Continue efficiency studies wrt spin parameters kappa, gamma August LSC meeting: first draft of paper Development is continuing of “full-metric” template bank to be used in future searches.