Skyline not identifying peptides Eric Mbua
Transition setting:
Peptide sequence: LSELVQAVSDPSSPQYGK found in protein not identified by Skyline
LSELVQAVSDPSSPQYGK: Xcalibur precursor ion (Light) Fragment ion(Light) ion(Heavy) Peptide not identified on Skyline when raw data was imported
Peptide sequence: LASVLGSEPSLDSEVTSK found in protein not identified by Skyline
LASVLGSEPSLDSEVTSK: Xcalibur precursor ion (Light) Fragment ion(Light) ion(Heavy) Peptide not identified on Skyline when raw data was imported
Peptide: YYEEFPINLK No chromatograms for the above peptide when raw data was imported on to Skyline
Peptide: YYEEFPINLK: Xcalibur precursor ion (Light) Fragment ion(Light) precursor ion(Heavy) Fragment ion(Heavy) Heavy labeled peptide observed using Xcalibur; but not when raw data was imported on to skyline