Sub-regional workshop on Data disaggregation Statistical capacity initiatives in Ethiopia By Abate Sidelel Lilongwe, Malawi, 27-29 September 2017
Overview Introduction The Central Statistical Agency and NSS Current Organizational Elements under Each Principal Officer of CSA The Directorates and their activities Summary
Introduction The fast growing Economy in the country needs evidence based decision for better improvement and to take corrective measures. It was this realization that made us to make strategic decision for the design of the first and the second National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS I and II) which were/are implemented/is implement in the medium term of 2009/10-2014/15 and 2015/16 - 2019/20 respectively It is to achieve enhanced statistical capacity across the National Statistical System (NSS). The NSDS II is mainstreamed into GTP II. Data generated and made available should therefore support the Growth and Transformation Plan and the post-2015 agenda, i.e., SDGs
Cont’s Data are also needed to support sectoral strategies at sub-national levels (regional states and woreda) at the design stages of the plans, during implementation, monitoring and evaluation and at the completion of the execution. Policy formulation and critical decision making also require good statistics at the formulation and monitoring of the implementation of the policy. Adequate statistics are needed to measure the efficiency of service provision and in determining efficient allocation of resources. To achieve this, the NSS needs to be strengthened and be responsive to supply data adequately and timely.
Cont’s The NSS is made up of data producers, data users, and suppliers of raw data, development partners and the media. As the NSS has been institutionalized by the Central Statistical Agency (CSA), it is responsible for coordinating, monitoring and supervising the activities of the NSS in Ethiopia, and ensuring that international and national standards are followed to.
The Central Statistical Agency and NSS CSA has the following mandate as specified by the law: Collecting, compiling, processing, analyzing and disseminating statistical data; Providing technical guidance and assistance to the Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in improving and developing a System of Administrative Statistics (SAS) i.e. ensuring proper administrative record keeping and maintenance of administrative registers including building the capacity of the MDA staff to enable them to carry out these functions effectively;
Cont’s Developing and maintaining the NSS to ensure the production, analysis and dissemination of integrated statistical information and to be an effective coordinator of the system and promote collaboration and cooperation and facilitate the work of the NSS. Specifically, the mandate includes: Producing national statistics by collecting, processing, analyzing and disseminating required socio-economic, demographic and environmental data through surveys, censuses and continuous registration and administrative recording systems to enable it organize a coordinated and integrated national statistics;
Cont’s Providing technical guidance and assistance to agencies and institutions towards the establishment of administrative recording, registration and reporting systems as well as building statistical capacity for the generation of data from Administrative records in all the MDAs ( through training programmes undertaken by CSA for the sectors); Providing advisory services to all of the NSS; Accomplishing research and development tasks to cover the whole NSS; Coordinating the NSS institutionally and technically; Standardizing the statistical production process of other producers; Sharing programmes across the NSS to maximize the synergies and supporting other key stakeholders that may not be able to participate in the NSS.
Current Organizational Elements under Each Principal Officer of CSA DG DDG(1) DDG(2) DDG(3) Directors for Statistical Surveys & Censuses NSS Coordination & Operations Population/ Vital Statistics Ethics Liaison Legal Service Audit and Inspection Procurement &Property Administration Finance Administration Gender Mainstreaming Public Relations and Data Dissemination Printing Service Planning and Change Management General Services, Materials and Maintenance Administration Human Resources Management and Development Oversight of the works of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Statistics Business Statistics Household Surveys and Price Statistics National Statistical Data Quality and Standards Coordination Information System Technology Editing, Data Entry and Computer Data Cleaning Statistics Branch Offices Population Statistics Vital Statistics GIS & Cartography
List of Activities Carried out or will be carried out by each Directorate in CSA 1. Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Statistics directorate Annual Agricultural Sample Survey (Meher and Belg Season) and Crop Forecast Survey, Sustainable Land Use Program Survey, are conducted Each year, Ethiopian Rural Socio-Economic Panel Survey (First and second Wave) (Living Standard Measurement Study – Integrated Surveys on Agriculture – LSMS-ISA programme) were conducted in 2012 and 2014 Dry Season Irrigation Activity Survey, Nomadic Area Socio Economic Survey, Maize and Wheat DNA survey and Dry Season Irrigation Activity Survey, Rapid Crop Forecasting Survey, Rural Socio-economic Survey-Pastoralist Areas Extension, Food Security, were carried out in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 In addition, Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) baseline and assessment Survey, Agricultural Growth Program (AGP) baseline and assessment Survey and Feed the Future (FTF) baseline and Assessment survey were studied
Cont’s 2. Business Statistics directorate Large and Medium Scale Industry Survey, Small Scale Industry, Distributive and Retail Trade Survey, Construction, Transport and Communications Statistics Compilation, Import and Export Statistics Compilation, Cottage Industry, Micro and Small Construction Sector and Producers Price Surveys were among the activities conducted in the past 7 to 8 years 3. Household Surveys and Price Statistics Surveys such as Goods and Services Retail Price, Consumers Price Index, Household Consumption and Expenditure, Welfare Monitoring, Urban Employment and Unemployment, National Labour Force, Time Use Surveys were done
Cont’s 4. Population Statistics Directorate:- Census Result Updating and Projection, Inter Censual Survey, Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey, Preparatory Activity for the 4th round of Population and Housing Census of 2017 Preparation of project document Questionnaire design enumeration area methodological improvement using the GPS enabled GPS procurement of field and office equipment and Repeated pilot survey to test the census methodology using tablet other preparatory activities
Cont’s 5. GIS & Cartography Directorate Prepared land classification map to use for agriculture sample survey (to use Area frame approach instead of Listing) Area Frame Pilot Survey (with Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Statistics, National Statistical Data Quality and Standards Coordination) Prepared Digital census (EA) map with mobile GIS Technology for 2017 census Support NSS member by supplying Eas Prepared Rural facilities atlas (map) by region, zone
Cont’s 6. National Statistical Data Quality and Standards Coordination Directorate (NSDQSCD) Prepared Ethiopian Data Quality Assessment Framework (EDQAF) Conduct system assessment for sectors based on the EDQAF Methodological and system improvements on the area of data collection, compilation, analysis and dissemination Training Needs Assessment Curriculum Design Project for the National Statistical System Prepared Standard Document (occupation, naming and coding, industry, EDQAF)
Cont’s Training and Consultation for members of the National Statistical System about statistical and related activities Evaluation on training on Basic Statistical Application, Ethiopian Data Quality Assessment Framework (EDQAF), Data Quality Procedures, Administrative Records Collection, Compilation, Analysis and Dissemination, Utilization of Standard Documents for NSS members, regional, zonal and woreda Preparation of proper sample design for surveys carried out by the Central Statistical Agency and conducting sample selection Preparation of proper sample design and sample selection for surveys carried out by members of the National Statistical System (NSS)
Summary NSDS I Mid and End Term Evaluation and NSDS II Design Project and implementing Improving measurement of agricultural productivity through methodological validation and research Capacity building and post graduate programme for employees of the agency (25-30 employees) Mobile Technology Based Data Collection Project (on the verge of to leave paper questionnaire) Continuous Statistical Capacity Building (on job training, short term training in different countries) Statistics for Result project (SFR – World bank)
Cont’s Launching of data entry activity in the branch offices for some selected surveys Preparing Annual Statistical Abstract and Dissemination The existence of a well experienced CSA with its branch offices in all the regional states Team work spirit exists among the CSA and MDAs/Regional States and the staff of the NSS An up-to-date frame of geographic Enumeration Areas (EAs) is available Delivery of statistical as well as analytical reports and other deliverables from different surveys conducted by the CSA and other NSS members Existence and connecting of ICT and Geospatial Information Technology Infrastructure to support the data production process, data management and flow and data exchange
Cont’s Availability of space for data storage, facility for data back-up and existence of web-based portal and some sectoral websites as enhancer for data dissemination Established programme for statistical production at the CSA and in some few sectors Programmed recruitment of staff to fill the gaps in manpower Accumulated experience over the past several years Physical Infrastructural - the building of two blocks of offices at the headquarters and four regional offices (all completed and functional) The Central Statistical Agency has a good status in ensuring regular data supply to users with its maintenance of high ethical standards, effective data dissemination and smooth data exchange
Cont’s Existence of an operating legal framework Established programme for statistical production both at the CSA and in some few sectors Development and adoption of the Ethiopian Data Quality Assessment Framework (EDQAF) for the NSS Administrative reform and establishment of National Statistical Data Quality and Standards Coordination Directorate (NSDQSCD) The establishment of Vital Statistic Directorate (VSD) to produce vital statistic Plan and trial to revised the existing law (statistical legal Framework) The CSA Establishment Proclamation and Directives of 2005, No.442/2005 has become inadequate with respect to encompassing the entire NSS; in particular there is lack of explicit provision for coordination. This law, therefore, requires a comprehensive review.