Mill Creek’s Competitive Bass Fishing Club
Why Bass Fishing @ Mill Creek? Fastest growing high school activity nationally Students have an interest in it, but may not have had opportunity Scholarship money Lifelong hobby Coed opportunity Any student can do it
Who can join? Any Student at Mill Creek HS who has a Team Must have fishing license (must provide copy to advisor) Good idea to pass the boater safety course and show card (must provide copy to advisor) Student must be in good academic standing (meets eligibility requirements like any other sport) Team = 2 Students, 1 captain, one boat (no subs)
Boat and Captain Requirements Boat requirements: At least 15’ long Motorized (maximum of 250 hp) Live well Emergency cut off switch Insured (300K liability coverage per incident) Captain: Must be 19 or older Not in high school Usually the owner of the boat
My roll as your Advisor Volunteering to allow students the opportunity to fish competitively. I will do my best to support you in your competitive events Mostly administrative Registration of students into GHSF Registration of Teams into tournaments I may, or may not, be at tournaments Your captain/coach will be with you
Georgia High School Fishing Tournament Schedule: Sunday September 24, 2017 Sunday October 15, 2017 – Trail Sunday November 5, 2017 – Trail Sunday December 2, 2017- FLW Sunday March 4, 2018 – Trail Sunday April 22, 2018 – Trail Sunday May 6, 2018 – Trail Sunday– (JUNE ?) - GHSF Classic
Student Angler Federation We will also affiliate with the SAF / FLW BASS Federation HS Fishing world finals in Oklahoma (prize money)
How to Fish a Tournament If you would like to fish in an upcoming tournament: Notify Mr. Burrows ONE WEEK BEFORE the tournament that your team is interested in fishing I will pay your registration fees from club funds as long as the funds last…. When funds are gone, it is up to your team to pay. Tournament dates and payment deadlines will be posted on Deadlines are firm if you miss the deadline, you will NOT be registered to fish in the tournament.
Overview of Tournament Scoring Placement is determined by the final weight of each team’s catch All bass have length limits 1 pound deduction from the team’s total weight for each fish under size All fish must be live. There is an 8 oz. deduction for dead fish Team with the highest weight wins.
MILL CREEK Membership Includes Membership In Georgia High School Fishing (GHSF) Membership in the Student Angler Federation (SAF) FLW Team Jersey Entry fees as long as funds last
Mill Creek Competitive Bass Fishing Requirements Student must be in good standing and a current student at Mill Creek HS Teams will sign up in pairs. Each team must have access to a boat with a working live well and a kill switch. No minimum limits on horse power or type of boat. Each member must provide $150 dollar fee. This fee will cover your team Jersey and registration in fishing federation(s). Make checks payable to Mill Creek High School. Each member is required to bring in a minimum $175 in sponsorship. Details on next slide. Each member will pay a $40 per tournament fee to the boat owner, to cover the cost of gas and travel (The boat owner may waive the fee but be prepared to pay each tournament). Members must fish at least two tournaments during the year and attend meetings regularly. Complete all paper work and forms in a timely fashion.
Sponsorships HAWKS LEVEL $400 CARDINAL LEVEL $275 GOLD LEVEL $225 NAVY LEVEL $175 Large front jersey location approx. 12”X6” Name and logo on the Mill Creek Bass Team website Large back jersey location – Approx. 8”X6” Small back or sleeve jersey location – Approx. 4”X2” Help a student grow and develop from Bass fishing Pick up your sponsorship form today from Mr. Burrows in E101 Also found on the Competitive Bass Fishing Club webpage All sponsorship checks and artwork must be received by SEPTEMBER 1, 2017 so we can order the jerseys.
MILL CREEK Membership Cost Membership $150 / Student Each student is also required to raise $175 of sponsorships Additional sponsorships will offset the student’s membership fee. Additional fees per tournament: Tournament entry fee $30/student Boat Captain fee $40/student
Deadline to Form a Team SEPT 1, 2017 Club dues MUST be paid by SEPT 1, 2017 Sponsorship checks and art must be received by SEPT 1, 2017 This is a firm deadline because of tournament requirements and timeframes for ordering jerseys. Once the teams are formed, we cannot add teams or change team-members.
Forming Teams Who has a boat? Who needs a boat? Who needs a teammate? Talk with each other. Once you have a team, come get your forms.