Week 4 - Friday CS221
Last time What did we talk about last time? Doubly linked list implementation
Project 1 Bitmap Manipulator
Interview question You are given a reference to a node in a singly linked list and some data You need to insert the data into the node in front of the node you are given a reference to You do not have the head reference, you do not have a reference to the previous node How do you do the insertion?
Generic Linked List with Iterator
Things aren't that different! The generic part is really easy once you get the syntax set up You use T instead of int (or whatever type you designed your linked lists to hold) The trickier thing is to define an iterator class that can keep track of where you are inside the list It has to be a non-static inner class!
Definition public class LinkedList<T> implements Iterable<T> { private class Node { public T data; public Node next; public Node previous; } private class ListIterator implements Iterator<T> { public Node current; … private Node head = null; private Node tail = null; public int size = 0;
Constructor Create a new iterator that points at the head of the list
boolean hasNext() Whether or not there is something in the current spot in the list
T next() Get the current thing in the list
void remove() Remove the current item from the list (optional)
Other kinds of linked lists
Circular linked lists Linked lists can be made circular such that the last node points back at the head node This organization is good for situations in which we want to cycle through all of the nodes in the list repeatedly tail 23 47 58
Performance of a circular linked list Insert at front (or back) Θ(1) Delete at front Delete at back costs Θ(n) unless we used doubly linked lists Search Θ(n)
Skip lists We can design linked lists with multiple pointers in some nodes We want ½ of the nodes to have 1 pointer, ¼ of the nodes to have 2 pointers, 1/8 of the nodes to have 3 pointers… head X 28 X 5 41 X 3 14 29 58
Performance of skip lists If ordered, search is Θ(log n) Go to index is Insert at end Delete Totally insane, at least Θ(n) Trees end up being a better alternative
Self organizing lists We want to make items that are used frequently easy to get at Several different approaches, mostly based on finding items repeatedly Move to front: After finding an item, put it in the front Transpose: After finding an item, move it up by one Count: Keep the list ordered by how often you get a particular item (requires a counter in each node) Ordering: Sort the list according to some feature of the data
Linked List Stack
Stack Implementations Dynamic array Advantages: pop and top are O(1) Disadvantages: limited size, making push O(n) in the worst case (still O(1) amortized) Linked list Advantages: push, pop, and top are O(1) Disadvantages: slightly slower than the array version, considerably more memory overhead
Linked list implementation public class ListStack { private static class Node { public String data; public Node next; } private Node top = null; private int size = 0; public void push(String value) {} public String pop() {} public String peek() {} //instead of top public int size() {}
Linked List Push
Linked List Pop
Linked List Peek
Linked List Size
Queue Implementations Circular array Advantages: dequeue and front are O(1) Disadvantages: limited size, making enqueue O(n) in the worst case (still O(1) amortized) Linked list Advantages: enqueue, dequeue, and front are O(1) Disadvantages: slightly slower than the array version, considerably more memory overhead
Linked list implementation class ListQueue { private class Node { public String data; public Node next; } private Node head = null; private Node tail = null; private int size = 0; public void enqueue(String value) {} public String dequeue() {} public String front() {} public int size() {}
Linked List Front
Linked List Size
Linked List Enqueue
Linked List Dequeue
Week 1 Programming model Java Java Collections Framework OOP Polymorphism Interfaces Threads Exceptions Generics Java Collections Framework
Week 2 Big Oh Notation Big Omega and Big Theta Abstract Data Types Formal definition: f(n) is O(g(n)) if and only if f(n) ≤ c∙g(n) for all n > N for some positive real numbers c and N Worst-case, asymptotic, upper bound of running time Ignore lower-order terms and constants Big Omega and Big Theta Abstract Data Types Array-backed list
Week 3 Stacks Queues FILO data structure Operations: push, pop, top, empty Dynamic array implementation Queues FIFO data structure Operations: enqueue, dequeue, front, empty Circular (dynamic) array implementation JCF implementations: Deque<T> interface ArrayDeque<T> LinkedList<T>
Week 4 Linked lists Special lists Linked list implementation of stacks Performance issues Single vs. double Insert, delete, find times Special lists Circular Skip Self-organizing Linked list implementation of stacks Linked list implementation of queues
Sample Problems
Running time Let M and N be two integers, where M is no larger than N Use Big Θ notation to give a tight upper bound, in terms of N, on the time that it will take to Add M and N (by hand, using the normal algorithm) Multiply M and N (by hand, using the normal algorithm) Use Big Θ notation to give the same bounds but this time in terms of n, where n is the number of digits in N
What's the running time in Θ? int end = n; int count = 0; for( int i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) { end /= 2; for( int j = 1; j <= end; j++ ) count++; }
What's the running time in Θ? int end = n; int count = 0; for( int i = 1; i <= n*n; i+=2) count++;
What's the running time in Θ? int count = 0; for( int i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) { for( int j = 1; j <= n/j; j++ ) count++; }
Lighten If we increase the R, G, and B values of every pixel by 25%, the image will get lighter Let pixels be a byte[][] array with height rows and width*3 bytes in each row Write the code to lighten the image by 25% To do the math, you've got to change the range from -128 – 127 to 0 – 255 Then cap the value of each color component at 255 and shift back to -128 – 127
Reverse a linked list Assume the following: public class List { private static class Node { public int data; public Node next; } private Node head = null; … Write a method in List that reverses the linked list.
Code to reverse a linked list public void reverse() { if( head != null ) { Node reversed = head; Node temp = head; Node rest = head.next; temp.next = null; while( rest != null ) { temp = rest; rest = rest.next; temp.next = reversed; reversed = temp; } head = reversed;
Palindrome Write a method that takes a CharBuffer object The CharBuffer object has two methods: nextChar() which extracts a char from the input stream hasNextChar() which returns true as long as there is another char to extract The method should return true if the input stream is a palindrome (the same backwards as forwards) and false otherwise Use no String objects or arrays (other than the one embedded in the stack) Hint: Use at least 3 JCF Deque (stack) objects
Next time… Exam 1!
Reminders Finish Project 1 Exam 1 is Monday Due tonight, September 22 by 11:59pm Exam 1 is Monday