The Academic Library in the Community Paul Sheehan Director of Library Services Dublin City University IATUL Krakow June 2004
DCU New Library
University role DCU Strategic Plan “Specific emphasis will be given to the development of North Dublin”
Objectives Promote third level participation Expand the role of the university Develop relationships with NGOs Attract students to DCU
Library role Access - groups/schools/ individuals Internet training Library ... will also support the university mission to establish relationships beyond the academic community by extending ... current community initiatives Access - groups/schools/ individuals Internet training Commmunity events
Relationships Local schools North Dublin Development Coalition North Dublin Learning festival Community groups
Access - groups Recruitment - 16+ schools in local area Special induction procedures Library - induction/information training
Access - Schools Group visits 4th to 6th year students Library tour Internet training
Access - Individuals Number of annual readers passes Access by reference from public library Individual access on demand
Events 3 day Internet training for 100 local people Community Action for Information Technology (CAIT) scheme Government Information Society initiative
Events Literacy groups - creative writing event North Dublin Development Coalition Fifth year 200 + submissions annually Irish literary figure awards prizes