Getting the Most from High SChool Sandra Day O’Connor High School
Counseling Department Kathleen Giacini Department Chair A, B, J, V Chris Harmonson E, F, G, H Tiffany Ostrowski M, N, R Jennifer Miller D, K, L, O, U Lindsay Nelson C, I, T, W Debbie Harmonson P, Q, S, Y, Z Beginning course details and/or books/materials needed for a class/project. Marc Mur Academic Advisor (623)445-7179
Guidance Counselor Registration/Course Selection ECAP – Education Career Action Plan- College and Career Readiness Personal/Social Issues Peer Issues Grades, GPA, credits, graduation College/University Requirements Scholarship information Credit retrieval (discuss with counselor first) Teacher Concerns (speak with teacher first) Future Plans General Questions A schedule design for optional periods of time/objectives.
Tips For Success Develop a Strong Work Ethic: Get organized Set goals Follow a study routine and prepare for tests over time Break down projects into smaller parts Check Canvas and PowerSchools for grades regularly Update your ECAP frequently by logging into Tutoring- with your teacher and/or career center Visit to access the Counseling Dept. website Introductory notes.
Tips For Success Attendance: Attitude, Character, Perseverance Be consistent, be on time, be at school! In the event of a short term illness/absence, parents need to: - Call in to the attendance office before noon of the following day, call the nurse, and email teachers directly for homework. -Students to work on Canvas when possible, check teacher websites, and check in with teachers upon return to school Attitude, Character, Perseverance There is always something good or positive to focus on! A positive attitude sets the tone, your attitude is your choice Stay Connected Communicate with teachers regularly Stay connected by participating in school activities- school spririt! Objectives for instruction and expected results and/or skills developed from learning.
Tips For Success Visit the O’Connor’s website for Ipad details: Be prepared for class - Be on time - Complete projects and homework on time - Bring charged ipad to class and utilize Canvas as the online learning management system. Visit the O’Connor’s website for Ipad details: Canvas is introducing the Canvas Parent App, available for both iOS and Android devices. Canvas Parent enhances the potential for any parent to quickly engage in their child’s education. Parents can review upcoming or past assignments, check on grades, and receive course announcements.
Graduation Requirements Diploma University Admissions 4 credits of Language Arts 4 credits of Math 3 credits of Lab Science ½ credit of Health ½ credit of PE 1 credit of World History 1 credit of American/Arizona History 1 credit of Government/Economics 1 credit of Career and Technical Education(CTE) or Fine Arts 6 credits of electives 22 CREDITS MINIMUM 1 credit of Fine Art 2 credits of the same World Language 4 credits of electives Relative vocabulary list.
University Reminders Two years of the same World Language One Fine Art Recommended GPA for University 3.0 (2.5-2.99 considered) OR Top 25% (top 50% considered) SAT or ACT scores A list of procedures and steps, or a lecture slide with media.
Grade Point Average GPA is calculated at the end of every semester (December and May). Each grade is assigned a point value and then averaged with all other official grades to date. Grade Honors Points Regular Points A 5 4 B 3 C 2 D 1 F Example graph/chart.
Class Rank Only CORE areas are factored into the weighted GPA that determines class rank: 4 Language Arts 4 Math 3 Social Studies 4 Lab Science Example graph/chart.
Certificate of Advanced Academics The certificate provides students with the opportunity to showcase their academic excellence and dedication. Supplements diploma and serves as an indication of a student’s rigorous course work above and beyond the district requirements. The certificate is awarded at graduation and reflects four years of advanced course work and service learning. Must complete an application, found online. 9th grade and 10th grade: must take 3 Honors courses 11th and 12th grade: must take 3 AP courses or 2 AP courses and 2 Dual Enrollment courses. Must have a minimum of 25 service hours in 11th and 12th grade each. Weighted GPA must be at or above 4.0. Conclusion to course, lecture, et al.
AZCIS: Arizona Career Information System Students will graduate from Sandra Day O’Connor High school with the skills to be college and career ready! AZCIS: Arizona Career Information System User Name: oconnor Password: 4azcis02 AZCIS is an annually updated, comprehensive career and educational guidance system that provides information and exploration tools for teens and adults. An opportunity for questions and discussions.