and the Viewing and Listening Task Visual Analysis and the Viewing and Listening Task
Viewing and Listening Questions Require EE ANALYSIS 3 mark questions usually always require 2 EE’s (two reps and explanations) 2 mark questions are either 1 EE or 2 EE. Examine the question closely to see if it asks for a film technique or film techniques.
Writing EE’s for visual analysis Technique + example + connector + effect +connector + effect Technique Example Model Body language/facial expression/gaze Description of how the person holds themselves Tony’s body language, with his arms crossed, with defiance etched onto his facial expression, reveals Music Description of music, OR description of when it is played The rebellious 80’s rock music played as Billy jumps on the table reveals Camera shots Description of what the shot is showing The panning shot of the mountain tops reveals Dialogue / yells / states Quote Billy’s angry tone as he yells, “No! I cant!”, reveals Diagetic sound Description of what the sound is The diagetic sound of the wind howling
The use of high pitched choral music Exemplar: How is the rewarding nature of facing your fears conveyed in this scene? Refer to one visual and one written technique. Technique Example Connector Effect The use of high pitched choral music that is played as Joe and Simon reach the top of the mountains, simulates the experience of having arrived in heaven after their difficult journey and emphasises the joy of conquering the mountains and witnessing the beauty around them. The music is also complemented by Technique Example Connector Effect a panning shot of Joe and Simon's view from the top of the mountain, revealing the grandeur and majesty of the massive mountains bathed in the light of a sunny day. This suggests the glory of Joe and Simon conquering their fears and the sense freedom and beauty that they are now rewarded with.
How is a sense of family tension depicted in the initial scene outside the Elliot’s home as the two brothers and their father arrive? Tony’s use of vulgar language when he asks, “who the fuck are you?” establishes a negative mood of suspicion and hostility, challenging the teacher’s legitimacy in talking to his brother. This tension is further communicated by Billy and his family’s downcast eyes that seek to avoid the teacher walking towards them, revealing their desire to ignore the teacher and deny her any open communication with them.
How the phrase mise-en-scene is used: The mise-en-scene depicting Billy dancing wildly and furiously in the streets, coupled with the 80’s rock music, expresses his overwhelming feelings of confusion and frustration at not being able to demonstrate his true identity in front of his brother, whilst also communicating his decision to vent his emotions through his thwarted passion of dance.
5/6 marker The structure is one big extended PEEL. Paragraph P Introduction EE x 2 Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 L Conclusion You are able to use the EE’s you may have used in earlier questions for the 6 marker