Mysteries of the ancient world
Stonehenge How and why was it built?
The Easter Island Heads How and why were they built? 1. Scientists are almost certain that the stones had a religious significance. Scientists believe that the stones________________________________ a religious significance. 2. Scientists think that it’s impossible that the stones came from a different island. Scientists think that the stones _________________________________ from a different island. must have had can’t have come 3. It’s possible that the stones were carved to resemble a famous leader of the tribe. The stones _____________________________________ to resemble a famous leader of the tribe. 4. Some people believe that there’s a possibility that the stones came from another planet. Some people believe that the stones _______________________________________from another planet. could/might/may have been carved could/might/may have come
Magura Cave - Bulgaria How and why did they paint these paintings?
The Great Pyramids How, when and why were they built?
The Nazca Lines How, when and why were they built?
The Uffington White Horse How and why was it built?
Atlantis Did it really exist? If so, where was it?
The Holy Grail Was it real? What was the origin of the legend?
Machu Picchu How and why was it built?
Bowerman’s Nose How and why was it built?