Canadian Shoppers Attitudes and Perceptions of DOOH Rosanne to cover this section
Canadians Agree That DOOH is Effective in Communicating Public Safety Messages 85% Total 18-64 81% across three cities MONTREAL 82% TORONTO 79% VANCOUVER 79% Source: BrandSpark 2016
7 in 10 Canadians Accept Digital Signs as Normal Part of Public Space in Large Cities 70% Total 18-64 70% across three cities MONTREAL 79% TORONTO 69% VANCOUVER 66% Source: BrandSpark 2016
Past week recall of digital OOH ads is high in Canada’s major cities % That Recall Digital Outdoor Ads in the Past Week (Shoppers 18-64) 45% Canada Overall 56% TORONTO (index 1.23) 50% VANCOUVER (index 1.10) 47% MONTREAL (index 1.13) Source: BrandSpark 2016
DOOH is Seen as an Effective Way to Communicate Timely and Relevant Information % strongly or somewhat agree Total 18-64 Toronto Montreal Vancouver Net 3 cities Digital signs are an effective way to communicate important and timely information 73% 81% 71% 63% 74% Digital signs provide current and relevant information 61% 57% 65% Source: BrandSpark 2016
Many Canadians Agree that DOOH Stands Out More than Static OOH, Online and TV % strongly or somewhat agree Total 18-64 Toronto Montreal Vancouver Net 3 cities I am more likely to notice advertising on a digital sign than a static billboard. 53% 58% 48% 50% 52% Advertising on digital signs stands out more than advertising online. 49% 56% 46% 51% on TV. 39% 36% 41% 44% Source: BrandSpark 2016
Approximately 1 in 2 agree digital ads may provide useful information on products or services, and are interested in interacting to access promotions. % strongly or somewhat agree Total 18-64 Toronto Montreal Vancouver Net 3 cities Digital signs provide useful information on products and services. 55% 61% 53% 57% I am interested in interacting with digital ads to obtain information or promotional offers on products/services that are of interest to me. 44% 50% 47% 36% 45% Source: BrandSpark 2016