Listening & Learning Strand A Peek at This Week in… Kindergarten Ms. Black, Ms. Ball, & Ms. Gibson Nov 9-13, 2015 Saxon Math Adding 1 to a number. Sorting items and creating a graph. Weighing objects using nonstandard units. Finding a sum by counting on. CKLA Skills Strand Segment words into phonemes using fingers. Indicate whether phonemes are at the beginning or end of words. Orally blend sounds to form words. Add or substitute phonemes to spoken 1 syllable words. Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Say the sounds /b/, /l/, /r/ Upcoming Events Nov 10: Veteran’s Day Celebration Nov 11: Veteran’s Day no school Nov 20: Fall Carnival 5 - 8pm CKLA Listening & Learning Strand Explain what a farm is. Describe a farmer’s and a sherpard’s job. Identify animals found on farms and the sounds animals make. Identify buildings found on farms. Identify machines and tools of farming. Demonstrate familiarity with the songs “Bingo” and “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”. Explain why farmers raise animals. Science Where do animals and plants live? Why do animals and plants need each other?