Curriculum Night Agenda Tuesday, September 19th 2017 Goals for this year A Day in the Life of Your 4th Grader Curriculum Overview Literacy - Balanced Literacy - Word Study - Writing Math Social Studies Science MAP testing Homework Communication Reminders and tid bits of important information Questions??
Goals for this year My goals are: - To foster independence in your child to be a confident reader and writer as well as a creative problem solver. - To help your children learn and succeed to their fullest potential -To have meaningful and positive relationships with your children - To have a fun, yet educational year! ☺
4th graders will continue to fine tune their reading comprehension skills. They will also work to respond to literature using evidence from the text to support their answers. The Balanced Literacy program consists of: - Whole Group Mini Lessons - Reader’s Workshop -skill practice based on student needs - targeted guided reading groups based on individual reading levels - Interactive Read Aloud
Word Study = Spelling+Phonics+Vocabulary During Word Study Students will… - Develop a general knowledge of English spelling - Learn to actively examine words - Discover generalizations about spelling, rather than rules - Increase knowledge of vocabulary Why is Word Study important? -To be fully literate students will need to depend on…. - fast accurate recognition of words for reading and writing - individualized lists What will this look like weekly? - students will work on a “sort” of words each day for the week - words will come home on Monday - quiz on the same type of words on Friday. - students may go on to next sort, or they may not depending on mastery shown on Friday’s quiz. New this year!!!! Students will have workbooks with activities that correlate to their lists. -
Writer’s Workshop We will follow the Writing Process to create and publish stories. - personal narratives - opinion pieces - poetry - persuasive writing - informational writing
Major Concepts: - Operations and algebraic thinking Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Word problems - Numbers in Operations - base ten - fractions - Measurement and Data - Geometry
4th grade is the first formal introduction to North Carolina, its diversity, culture, economy and the people of three main geographic regions. Major Concepts: History of North Carolina Geography Economics Civics and Government Culture
4th graders will analyze the systems of: Forces and motion Rocks and Minerals The Rock Cycle How minerals are used Fossils Phases of the Moon Adaptations and behaviors of living things Food and Nutrition Sources of Energy
MAP Testing Measures of Academic Progress “MAP® is computerized adaptive assessments are the tools that provides educators with the detailed information they need to build curriculum and meet their students’ needs, one child at a time.” Given three times this year and will be tested in reading and math September Jan March Adapting the Test to the Student MAP dynamically adapts to a student’s responses – as they take the test. If a student answers a question correctly and the test presents a more challenging item If they miss a question, the test offers a simpler item In this way, the test narrows in on a student’s learning level, engaging them with content that allows them to succeed.
What does the test cover? Early Literacy and Numeracy, which provide a quick reference for gauging student readiness for reading and mathematics instruction. Skills Checklists, which provide teachers with a way to continually assess student's achievement relative to the skills of phonological awareness, phonics, number sense, and computation. Survey with Goals in Reading and Mathematics, which produce immediate overall scores, as well as scores within each goal area.
Homework Homework assignments will be written in planner Students are expected to record nightly reading in planner All assignments are due on Friday Math worksheet 2 reading responses in their journal.
Grading We grade on a ten point scale. I offer re-takes on all formal assessments after re-teaching sessions 60% of gradeis from formal assessments 40% of grade is from informal assignments
Communication Please feel free to message me anytime you have a question or concern via Parent Square Thursday folders will come home most Thursdays with your child’s completed/graded work Remember to send hand-written notes regarding any transportation changes.
Reminders/Tid Bits Students are allowed to bring water bottles to school Remember comfortable shoes on “E” days for PE My personal books will have a label in them or my initials (some LS others LH) Sign up for a conference in October (more info to come)